Home » The boy keeps crying “Wolf!”: How the US is reacting to Putin's nuclear threats

The boy keeps crying “Wolf!”: How the US is reacting to Putin's nuclear threats

by alex

The boy keeps screaming “Wolf!”: How the US is reacting to Putin's nuclear threats Anzhelika Galesevich

Russia is already using nuclear threats as an alarm clock. If they need to scare the West, particularly the United States, the Russians are starting to change their nuclear doctrine and are testing the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile.

However, Washington is reacting quite differently to the Kremlin's attempts to intimidate them. US political and public figure Yuri Rashkin told Channel 24 that if a boy constantly cries “Wolf.” But he is still not here, then the boy is trusted less and less.

How the United States is reacting to Putin's nuclear threats

According to Rashkin, some American analysts have realized that they were very wrong in their assessments of Russia and the Russian army, and Ukraine and the Ukrainian army. They relied on figures that supposedly should be trusted. However, they completely ignored the fact that the terrorist country has total corruption and lacks fighting spirit.

Almost 3 years of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine have destroyed the myths about some kind of “superiority” of the Kremlin. American analysts thought that since the idea of ​​Moscow invading our country would be a huge mistake, dictator Vladimir Putin would not do it. However, as we can see, the analysts were wrong on this issue. Therefore, now there is a recalculation of how to look at Russia.

Putin's statements about the nuclear threat with which he scares the world are viewed from a completely different angle. More and more people understand that “the king is naked.” This moment reflects poorly on Putin and all his statements, – noted Yuri Rashkin.

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