Home » The bloody ideology of Russia and Putin: Wikipedia describes in detail what “rashism” is

The bloody ideology of Russia and Putin: Wikipedia describes in detail what “rashism” is

by alex

The bloody ideology of Russia and Putin: Wikipedia describes in detail what “rashism” is/Channel 24 Collage

Russian society has long since crossed the limit of adequate patriotism, and Putin's dictatorship has sprouted the sprouts of the cruelty of the people. Therefore, a special and rigid ideology is prospering on the territory of Russia.

In Wikipedia, at the end of February, they created an article about “rashism”, which described this disgusting hybrid of ideologies. And within 54 days of a full-scale invasion, the article has already become quite voluminous. It partially explained why the people of Russia never ceased to be a nation of criminals who have been killing Ukrainians for hundreds of years.

The worst mixture of ideas of the 21st century

The term “rashism” is based on the words “fascism” and the name of the aggressor country in English – Russia. The political ideology of Putin's diktat began to take shape at the beginning of his reign.

However, with the strengthening of the power of the ex-KGB colonel, the chronic illness of Russia also strengthened. The Kremlin's propaganda juggles the ideas of the “special civilizational mission” of the Russians and the “senior of the fraternal people” according to the methods. Various “Skabeevs” have been doing this effectively for several decades.

What ideological levers were involved in this:

  • Growing intolerance towards elements of the culture of other peoples.
  • The spread of totalitarianism with Russian-type imperialism.
  • The use of pro-government Russian Orthodoxy as a moral doctrine.
  • Increasing the usefulness of Russia's energy resources for European countries.
  • Military force directed at countries that are or are part of the Kremlin's circle of influence.

Important! On April 14, the Verkhovna Rada officially recognized Russia as a terrorist state. The bill also states that it is a totalitarian neo-Nazi regime. Therefore, its propaganda is completely prohibited.

An ideological contradiction that feeds evil

“Rashism” is a quasi-ideology that constantly contradicts itself. Things that could not be combined with critical thinking were thrown into this explosive mixture.

What else was stuffed there:

  • historical empire;
  • great power chauvinism;
  • religious traditionalism;
  • nostalgia for the Soviet past;
  • opposing oneself to the liberal-democratic values ​​of the civilized world;
  • the cult of the national leader who returned “greatness” to Russia;
  • envy of countries where the majority people do not live in total poverty.

What they inherited from the Golden Horde

Rashism is based on sharp denials of the force of law. It is always dominated by the component of the right of force and disrespect for the sovereignty of neighbors. Examples, in particular, are the occupied territories of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It is also worth mentioning the transformation of the state of Belarus into a submissive satellite of Russia.

However, most of these features are inherent not only to Putin, but also to any other Russian government. They are not something new, since they were still with the Golden Horde, which for centuries dominated the lands of Muscovy. Therefore, many researchers believe that Putin is just such a leader as the people of Russia wanted.

Religious doctrines in the roots of evil

One of the basic elements of rashism is the ideology of the spiritual theory of the Russian Orthodox Church. The ROC always convinces the unfortunate parishioners that they are the special ones. Like, almost a holy people, which can be considered “God's chosen”.

At the same time, Russian churchmen have always actively promoted the opinions that the Kremlin dictated to them. Consequently, the monasteries significantly enhance the effectiveness of the work of propagandists of the Putin regime. Therefore, all the servants of the Russian Orthodox Church are a separate caste of the criminal and bloody hierarchy.

Note! The desire to be close especially emphasizes the similarity of the ideologies of today's Russia and Italy in the middle of the last century. The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini gave the Catholic Church a privileged position during his reign.

The bloody ideology of Russia and Putin: Wikipedia has described in detail what "rashism" is

The main cleric of the country below the poverty line/Photo by Patriarchia.ru

Violence has turned into everyday life in Russia

Self-affirmation due to arbitrariness and violence is the primary sign of “rashism”. This permeates the entire vertical of Putin's power. Such a hallmark of ideologyis demonstrated by aggressive hatred.First of all, to people who think differently from propaganda. If some kind of opposition begins to exist in Russia, its rights are oppressed. Often everything comes to murder.

The worldview of the “rashists” lies in the psychology of absolute hostility. They believe that even in their state there are foreigners everywhere – agents of the State Department, spies of Europe and others.

In order to perpetuate such a doctrine, propaganda has made people offended. Most of their population is outraged by the invented humiliations from the mythical West. Like, the US and Europe are investing money to destroy “great” Russia. Moreover, this is the point of propaganda that has been preserved from the USSR.

Historical hope for strength

The people of Russia believe that their country should always become strong. After all, then it will be possible to avenge everything that they themselves have come up with. It is important that for the second time in 50 years their rulers threaten to turn the world into nuclear dust.

The bloody ideology of Russia and Putin: Wikipedia has described in detail what "rashism" is

One of the propagandists of the “cult of nuclear weapons”/Screenshot

From this follows one of the main features of the consciousness of the “Rashists” – the hope for strength. They live in a dead understanding of the history of Russia, which supposedly is the great winner of all times and peoples. Consequently, each country with a higher standard of living is an enemy or potential prey.

Russian calendars, which have long been turned into a set of cult dates, also played an important role in this. Rashists worship and believe in every “outstanding” event that Soviet and Russian propaganda appropriated or inflated for 100 years.

Without their “swastika” they were uncomfortable< /h2>

A lot of signs and forms were attributed to the symbols of “rashism” in different periods. However, none of them was as convenient as the same Hitler's swastika. The Russians could not quickly draw their coat of arms on the walls, so something new was required.

The Latin letter Z came into ideology on February 24th. Its Russian occupying occupiers used it to designate part of their equipment.

Now this letter of a foreign alphabet has become a sign of Russian support for the war against Ukraine. It is painted on windows and hung in kindergartens. On May 9, during the military parade in Moscow, fighters flying in the form of this symbol should be shown.

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