Home » The Black Lives Matter protests in Europe explained

The Black Lives Matter protests in Europe explained

by alex

In Europe, the protests of the movement Black Lives Matter (BLM, “black Lives matter”), which aims to combat discrimination, can be due to the change of values and populism. This was told by a Professor at Northwestern University in the United States and head of practice for international studies VTSIOM Olga Kamenchuk-Nisbet, she cites RIA Novosti.

“We are now seeing the value of tectonic changes. They are of a global nature. What happens is the last 50-70 years,” she explained. As an example, the Professor led the emancipation of women, the demise of the resource economy, providing the rights of blacks and the loss of the role of religious norms.

However, not all people have time for these changes, said Kamenchuk-Nisbet. Because of this, in European countries and the USA you can watch the “authoritarian and populist revenge”, especially among the elderly.

“People who are protesting — is also part of the “pendulum effect”” she said. According to the Professor, in the end, the world will become more respectful and fair towards all members of society.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) — the movement in the United States, acting on the protests with the same slogan. The participants need systemic change to combat racism. They also advocated reducing spending on police and increase funding for areas dominated by racial minorities.

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