Home » The bill on the creation of the Military Police passed the first reading in the Rada

The bill on the creation of the Military Police passed the first reading in the Rada

by alex

At a plenary meeting on June 19, the Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading the basis of bill No. 6569-d on the creation of the Military Police.

Military police in Ukraine: what is known about law 6569-d

Parliament, with the votes of 247 people's deputies, adopted in the first reading bill No. 6569-d on the creation of the Military Police, said People's Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak.

According to the document, the Military Police should become a military formation with law enforcement functions on the basis of the Military Law Enforcement Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which will be part of the Ministry of Defense.

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She will have the right to search, detain military personnel, record crimes and protect their rights according to NATO standard AJP-3.21.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense also noted the need to provide the Military Police with investigative powers.

— This document is of key importance for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which are in dire need of creating a justice system, the first step towards which is the Military Police, — noted by the ministry.

Military Police Target — maintaining military discipline in the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Special Transport Service.

Main tasks of the Military Police:

  • prevention, detection and suppression of criminal and administrative offenses in the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the State Fiscal Service;
  • proceedings on administrative offenses assigned by law to the competence of the Military Police;
  • operational-search activities in cases and on the grounds determined by law;
  • ensuring law and order and military discipline among military personnel, those liable for military service and reservists during their training;
  • preventive and prophylactic activities aimed at preventing the commission of criminal and other offenses;
  • protection of life, health, rights and legitimate interests military personnel, as well as those liable for military service and reservists during their training;
  • protection of state property from illegal encroachment;
  • ensurance of the execution of administrative penalties and punishments for the commission of a criminal offense against military personnel;
  • control over the implementation of traffic safety legislation by drivers when using vehicles of the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the DSST and other military formations;
  • ensurance of the implementation of other tasks determined by law on issues of national security in the military sphere, in the sphere of defense in peacetime and a special period.

Direct management of the Military Police is carried out by the chief, who is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the President of Ukraine on the recommendation of the Minister of Defense, and during the martial law regime — on the recommendation of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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