Home » The beloved of a policewoman from Mariupol, who herself was a prisoner of the Russian Federation for two years, has returned from captivity

The beloved of a policewoman from Mariupol, who herself was a prisoner of the Russian Federation for two years, has returned from captivity

by alex

Azov fighter Vladislav Andrianov, who survived the terrorist attack in Olenovka and whom the Russians “sentenced” to 25 years in prison, has returned from Russian captivity.

Mariupol policewoman Maryana Chechelyuk, who was also in Russian captivity, spoke about the return of her beloved.

The return of Vladislav Andrianov from captivity

According to information from the Mariupol City Council, Vladislav Andrianov and Maryana were at the Azovstal plant. In the spring of 2022, the defenders of Mariupol and Azovstal were supposed to be evacuated under UN and Red Cross guarantees, but the Russians lied and took the Ukrainian military prisoner.

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It is known that Vladislav survived the terrorist attack in Olenovka (the mass murder of Ukrainian prisoners on the night of July 29, 2022). Subsequently, Vladislav Andrianov was sentenced to 25 years in prison in the DPR.

— All this time, Maryana wore a black thread instead of a ring. The girl attended memorial events for the prisoners and believed in the return of her beloved, – the Mariupol City Council said in a statement.

Maryana herself reported on her Instagram that her beloved is now at home in Ukraine.

Из плена вернулся любимый полицейской из Мариуполя, которая сама два года была пленницей РФ

Mar'yana Chechelyuk

Из плена вернулся любимый полицейской из Мариуполя, которая сама два года была пленницей РФ

Mar'yana Chechelyuk

Из плена вернулся любимый полицейской из Мариуполя, которая сама два года была пленницей РФ

Из плена вернулся любимый полицейской из Мариуполя, которая сама два года была пленницей РФ

After her release from captivity, Maryana Chechelyuk went out to protests in support of Ukrainian prisoners of war.

Из плена вернулся любимый полицейской из Мариуполя, которая сама два года была пленницей РФ

Photo from Instagram by Maryana Chechelyuk

Recall that Maryana Chechelyuk herself was in Russian captivity for two years. In May 2022, the police investigator tried to leave Mariupol for Zaporizhia, but she was kidnapped by the occupiers and taken to the Russian Federation. In captivity, the girl was subjected to physical and psychological pressure.

Maryana returned to Ukraine during the exchange on May 31, 2024. When the policewoman herself was in captivity, she sincerely believed that her beloved was in Ukraine and would meet her after her release.

On the night of October 18-19, 95 captured Ukrainians returned home. This was the 58th mutual exchange of prisoners.

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