Home » The ban on officials to travel abroad: the new restriction applies to thousands of women

The ban on officials to travel abroad: the new restriction applies to thousands of women

by alex

Unfit civil servants have been banned from traveling abroad. In particular, this applies to both women and men.

This was announced by the representative of the State Border Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko on the air of the national telethon, 24 Channel. Let us recall that earlier the Government forbade officials to travel abroad without good reason.

Ukrainian officials will not be able to travel abroad

< p>Now officials can cross the border only for the purpose of a business trip. To do this, they need to submit relevant applications to the State Border Guard Service three days before departure. This applies, in particular, to people's deputies, judges, prosecutors, as well as employees booked by state authorities for the period of mobilization.

The corresponding ban applies to both men and women. Exceptions can only be for certain categories:

  • for women or single parents to visit children abroad in exceptional cases with the necessary documents;
  • for treatment abroad;
  • on the basis of a separate decision of the head of the State Border Guard Service in the event of the death of family members abroad.

A complete list of civil servants who cannot travel abroad

  • members of the Cabinet of Ministers, first deputies and deputy ministers, State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers, his first deputy and deputies, state secretaries of ministries,
  • heads central executive bodies, their first deputies and deputies,
  • the head of the apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada, his first deputy and deputies, people's deputies, the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada for human rights and his representatives,
  • head of the Office of the President and his deputies, heads of other auxiliary bodies and services formed by the president, and their deputies,
  • head of the SBU, his first deputy and deputies,
  • chairman and members of the National Council on Television and radio broadcasting, the chairman and members of the Accounts Chamber, the chairman and members of the CEC, chairmen and members of other state collegiate bodies,
  • the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, his first deputy and deputies,
  • head of the National Bank, his first deputy and deputies,
  • permanent representative of the President in Crimea and his deputies, heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies,
  • judges of the Constitutional Court, judges, prosecutors, heads of other state bodies and their deputies,
  • deputies of local councils, as well as heads of structural divisions of state bodies and local governments and employees booked for the period of mobilization and wartime by state authorities, heads of state enterprises and their deputies.

Please note ! There are 15,000 women in local councils, 9,000 of them in village councils. Therefore, they are also prohibited from traveling abroad.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine named the reasons for the current mobilization

Recently, the head of the personnel department of the headquarters of the Ground Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Roman Gorbach said, that now there are no waves of mobilization.

According to him, at present, the Armed Forces of Ukraine need specialists, both for new types of weapons that our partners give us, and to replenish losses. Gorbach explained that, first of all, personnel are mobilized in certain military specialties.

Gorbach stressed that personnel who have not previously served can only be called up to training centers where they will be trained in certain specialties. Only after that they arrive at the military unit.

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