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The arrogant maestro of lies: why Putin speaks more and more vividly at public appearances

by alex

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At the beginning of the great war, Vladimir Putin was bad at lying about the situation in the aggressor country and at the front. Subsequently, the head of the Kremlin began to prepare topics for upcoming speeches and answers to questions, he studied everything carefully and therefore spoke nonsense more and more actively.

The great art of lying so that to a person, not in context, what was said would sound logical, but everything was exactly the opposite. Political strategist Boris Tizenhausen shared these thoughts with Channel 24, commenting on Putin’s speech at the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Why Putin has become more confident in speaking at public appearances

Tizengauzen noted that Putin’s rhetoric of “waiting out the West” is yielding certain results. In 2022, the Russian president did not hold a press conference at all. And already in the second year of the great war, he “lounged” on a chair and chatted for four hours about absurd things. Once again repeating the template rhetoric about the war in Ukraine, accusing NATO and the West of encroaching on Russia’s borders.

For example, at the end of the year on December 19, important issues were raised with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky :

  • strengthening defense;
  • what weapons are missing;
  • about the production of drones in Ukraine;
  • blockade of the border with Poland;
  • process of exchange of prisoners of war, etc.

Considering this, Putin can really take inspiration and speak so boldly. He sees that the imposed sanctions are being circumvented and Europe is being beaten. He has faithful “dogs” in the person of the same Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who, if necessary, will block any initiative or sanctions from the EU for Russia. China and Turkey, which occupy a significant place in trade turnover with Russia, also help.

“Putin began to feel normal. Unfortunately, attention to the war is weakening for natural reasons: if you show war, everyone is tired. This was the case with Syria and any other war. It will be more and more difficult for us, but we have serious partners,” summed up Boris Tizenhausen.

Putin's absurd statements at the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense

  • Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, December 19, at an extended meeting of the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense with the participation of the head of the department, Sergei Shoigu, said that the Russian defense industry responded to the war in Ukraine faster than the West. He also said that Russia is not going to give up the goals of the so-called “SVO”.
  • Also, the head of the Kremlin once again used the concept of “compatriots abroad” to justify the invasion of Ukraine for ideological reasons. Then Putin spoke about the southerners and east of Ukraine, saying that they have a “historical, cultural and linguistic connection with Russia.”
  • The Russian president announced that he intends to arm the occupying army ” combat lasers” and work with “artificial intelligence”. And all because it seems that the “second army of the world” needs “promising types of weapons.”
  • In turn, Sergei Shoigu said that, despite sanctions, Russia produces there are more high-tech weapons than NATO countries. It’s as if a terrorist country has increased tank production by 5.6 times since the beginning of the so-called “SVO” and laid 7000 square kilometers of minefields along a two thousand kilometer front line.

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