Home » The appointment of Belousov is a non-standard decision: Feigin responded to changes in the Kremlin

The appointment of Belousov is a non-standard decision: Feigin responded to changes in the Kremlin

by alex

Short version of the news

One of the biggest changes in Russian power in recent decades has taken place. Vladimir Putin decided to remove Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu from his post and appoint Andrei Belousov in his place.

What hopes does the Kremlin place on the newly appointed head of the Ministry of Defense? Russian human rights activist Mark Feigin told 24 Channel. Let us note that Shoigu removed Nikolai Patrushev from the post of Secretary of the Security Council.

What problem should Belousov solve

According to Feigin, there is no danger for Shoigu now. He was moved horizontally, which is a standard solution for Russian hardware rules.

However, the appointment of Belousov as Minister of Defense is not quite standard, because the person is a civilian and has no experience at all interactions with law enforcement agencies.

This may indicate that there is a problem that the Kremlin is trying to solve, since the weak point is the establishment of military production for the purposes of the so-called “self” and minimizing corruption in terms of military procurement, the Russian human rights activist said.

The Kremlin is trying to solve existing problems, in particular with financing, support, military procurement and production. Most likely, Belousov was appointed to overcome these problems, because Shoigu could not cope.

It is unlikely that the essence of the system will change, because corruption is a systemic component functioning of the state mechanism. It doesn’t matter who will be the Minister of Defense, this will not change,” Feigin noted.

Belousov, who worked in the government as Deputy Prime Minister, must ensure uninterrupted financing and production. They will still steal, but perhaps they will not steal to zero.

Casting in the Kremlin: what is known

  • The Russian president dismissed Sergei Shoigu as Minister of Defense of the aggressor country and appointed him to a new one – Secretary of the Security Council instead of Nikolai Patrushev, who held this position for 16 years.
  • On the Kremlin website it is written that Putin signed orders to dismiss Nikolai Patrushev from the post of Secretary of the Russian Security Council “in connection with a transfer to another job.” However, it is not yet known what position Patrushev will hold.
  • The new Minister of Defense of Russia will be civilian Andrei Belousov. Let us note that the final decision will be made on May 13 – 14.
  • The mouthpiece of the dictator, Dmitry, commented on the appointment of the economist as head of the Ministry of Defense. According to him, we need to introduce innovations, introduce innovations and be open to innovative ideas.

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