Home » The Ambassador of Ukraine said whether Japan can wrest the Kuriles from the “paws” of Russia by force

The Ambassador of Ukraine said whether Japan can wrest the Kuriles from the “paws” of Russia by force

by alex

Will Japan's recognition of the Kuril Islands as occupied change anything/Getty images

After World War II, the Japanese adopted perhaps the most pacifist constitution ever. Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan denies the nation's right to war in the literal sense.

This was announced on Channel 24 by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Japan Serhiy Korsunsky. He also added that due to a constitutional ban, Japan does not have a military as such.

What is known about Japan's defense capability

“The Japanese nevertheless developed powerful armed formations with all the hallmarks of an army. Despite the fact that these are well-trained and exemplarily equipped troops, Japan, under no circumstances, can carry out an armed confrontation,” explains the Ambassador of Ukraine to Japan.

According to him, the northern territories need to be returned, but the greater threat is North Korea, which constantly fires missiles into the Sea of ​​​​Japan.

This is a direct threat and even Japan is against it cannot take the first steps, because there is a ban on the Constitution, the diplomat says.

“On the other hand, there is a strategic treaty with the United States and there are even nuclear guarantees against any external threat. That is, the United States should intervene in such a situation,” Korsunsky notes.

Will Japan be able to take the Kuril Islands

Regarding the return of the northern territories, one should not expect any forceful steps from Japan, the ambassador is convinced.

That At the same time, Japanese society is very actively discussing the issue of increasing funds for defense, and also discussing changes to the Constitution. The context of the changes is not known for certain, but such conversations are present in the highest politicum, says Sergey Korsunsky.

Reference. The issue of the Kuril Islands arose due to their occupation by the USSR in 1945, during the Japanese-Soviet war, which was part of World War II. Before the occupation, the islands were part of the Nemuro region, Hokkaido prefecture. After the occupation, they were added to the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk region. Japan for the first time since 2003 spoke about the occupation of its own territories.

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