Home » The activist confirmed the capsizing of Russian troops and equipment from Zaporozhye to Kherson

The activist confirmed the capsizing of Russian troops and equipment from Zaporozhye to Kherson

by alex

Molchanov about capsizing the equipment of infidels to Kherson/Collage of Channel 24

Russian invaders are preparing for a counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, therefore they are overturning tanks and armored personnel carriers from Zaporozhye in the direction of the Kherson region. This information is confirmed by the locals, they say that the occupiers drove tanks across the Antonovsky bridge all night.Volodymyr Molchanov, an activist from Kherson, told Channel 24 about this. He assured that the information about the overturning of equipment from Zaporozhye to Kherson was confirmed.

damage, still used by the invaders.

They drove tanks through it on the night of July 26, the locals noticed several of these caravans. The Antonovsky bridge was not restored, it is strong enough and even with damage can withstand the weight of tanks. All the equipment of the Russians drives around holes in the bridge,” Molchanov explained.

The activist noted that some of this equipment had even been destroyed in the Kherson region.

“I don't know why the Armed Forces of Ukraine don't continue to hit the Antonovsky Bridge. Perhaps these HIMARS were transferred somewhere in another direction. Therefore, we still need to wait a bit with the destruction of the bridges,” Molchanov suggested.

He added that at the same time, the treacherous local construction company Olesya helped the occupiers to “patch” the bridge across the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.

According to the activist, delayed rockets should not be used to destroy bridges explosion. After all, they break through the bridge and explode already in the water.

What is the situation on the Kherson front

Molchanov said that there was no “boiler” for Russians in Vysokopolye in the Kherson region, they talked about it themselves. Moreover, the occupiers have pulled up their artillery to the south of this settlement and are causing problems for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. about maintaining a semi-environment there and, if possible, cutting off all supplies of infidels. And also expect that the occupiers will either come out on their own, or weaken without ammunition and be killed,” he said.

The activist noted that there were no changes in the Kherson direction so far, opposition battles continue there. Nikolaev is also constantly shelled. For this, in addition to the S-300, they also use Smerch, which the invaders transported from the Zaporozhye region to Kherson. h2>

  • Adviser to the head of the Kherson OVA Serhiy Khlan said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will dismiss the Kherson region before September. According to him, a turning point has come at the front in favor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – the Ukrainian military are moving from defense to counteroffensive.
  • On July 19, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the Antonovsky bridge across the Dnieper in Kherson, but did not destroy it . After all, if this bridge is blown up, the occupiers will not be able to retreat when the Armed Forces of Ukraine are squeezing them out of Kherson.
  • President Volodymyr Zelensky informed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are confidently moving and driving away the occupiers in the Kherson region.< /li>
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