Home ยป Thanks to Pushilin's decree: militants in Donbass are deprived of salaries, compensations and disabilities

Thanks to Pushilin's decree: militants in Donbass are deprived of salaries, compensations and disabilities

by alex

The terrorists, who for ideological reasons joined the Russian occupation army, began to complain en masse about another fraud on the part of the “leadership” of the “republic”. Collaborators came up with a new scheme to deceive militants to steal money and fulfill the mobilization plan.

According to channel 24 sources in intelligence, since the beginning of August, contract servicemen of the so-called “DPR “Once again, they received less wages for participating in the war. The terrorists received a simple answer to all appeals to the command: they are not listed as contract soldiers, but allegedly mobilized.

This approach to the design of militants changes a lot, because the invaders mobilized in the documents are mainly listed as volunteers who do not need to pay a salary.

The militants and their relatives complain of poverty

  • So if, since the beginning of a full-scale invasion, Russia has simply significantly reduced the payment of salaries to militants of quasi-republics, from now on, many will not receive a penny for participating in hostilities.
  • In some units, where contract terrorists are documented, the mobilized are paid from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. However, for the most part, those forcibly sent to war are not paid at all.
  • The mass transfer of militants from the contract to “volunteers” has deprived many residents of the occupied territories of the opportunity even to buy their own food. After all, almost all terrorists considered service in the army corps of the DPR and LPR as an opportunity to feed their families.
  • Now, thanks to another scheme that has recently begun to work, terrorist families will live even poorer.

< h2 class="news-subtitle cke-markup">A small riot is brewing

The commanders of the CADLO groups explain the transfer of militants from the contract to the mobilized by the execution of the relevant decree of Denis Pushilin, which he signed on March 19. Thanks to this “document”, the ideological collaborators who went to kill Ukrainians for money were not only deprived of their salaries, but also of the opportunity to receive compensation for injuries.

Fans of the “Russian world”, whom the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine freed from arms and legs, are forced to undergo treatment and rehabilitation at their own expense. They cannot receive certificates about the disability received during the hostilities, because they went to the front “of their own free will.” Therefore, the terrorists do not have any “social guarantees”.

Therefore, the soldiers themselves and their relatives begin another wave of mailing letters addressed to Pushilin and Putin, in which they complain about the bad attitude towards the “defenders of the motherland.” The terrorists even quickly remembered that the representatives of the “authorities” had not even declared martial law, so the mobilization was allegedly illegal. And their relatives, accordingly, should receive salaries and compensations as contract soldiers.

Such a situation will not lead to any serious social explosions, but another small rebellion against the background of the introduction of such a scheme will definitely happen. But Pushilin and his henchmen will not react to such dissatisfaction. But they will be able to increase the implementation of mobilization plans, because thanks to this scheme they can enter one person into two “positions” – as a military contractor and a “volunteer”.

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