Home ยป Terrible road accident happened in Chernihiv region: there are dead and wounded

Terrible road accident happened in Chernihiv region: there are dead and wounded

by alex

Two people died in an accident in the Chernihiv region, three more were injured/Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service in the Chernihiv region

< strong _ngcontent-sc130="">On the morning of June 8, a terrible accident occurred near the village of Petrovo in the Chernihiv region. Unfortunately, two people died.

Three more were injured. This was reported in the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of the region.

The cars were moving in the opposite direction

It is known that a Nissan car and a Ford Transit minibus collided. Arriving at the scene of the accident, the police found that the vehicle was moving in the opposite direction. The cars collided in the middle of the road.

The 39-year-old driver of a passenger car, the driver and passenger of a minibus (born in 1978 and 1988, respectively) are now in serious condition. They were hospitalized in the Chernihiv city and regional hospitals.

Unfortunately, both other passengers of the car died at the scene of an accident.

So far, there are no other details of the crash. The circumstances and the cause of the accident are still being established by the police.

A terrible accident happened in Chernihiv region: there are dead and wounded

Rescuers unblock the bodies of those killed in an accident/Photo by GU State Emergency Service in Chernihiv region

A terrible accident happened on Chernihiv region: there are dead and wounded

The scene of an accident near the village of Petrovo in the Chernihiv region/Photo by the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service in the Chernihiv region

< p>A terrible accident happened on Chernihiv region: there are dead and wounded

A car that had an accident/Photo by the State Emergency Service of the Chernihiv region

< img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/uzhasnoe-dtp-proizoshlo-na-chernigovshhine-est-pogibshie-i-ranenye-075d934.jpg" alt="A terrible accident happened in Chernihiv region : there are dead and wounded" />

Two people died, three more were injured/Photo by the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service in the Chernihiv region

Recent road accidents in Ukraine: what is known

  • In Kherson on Sunday, June 5, there was a mass accident. Probably, it was arranged by the Russian occupier. He fled the scene of the tragedy.
  • First, they reported one victim of the tragedy – a woman. At the same time, the death toll subsequently rose to 2. In addition, 4 victims are known. At the same time, due to the fact that the Russian invaders cut off communications in the city, eyewitnesses were not immediately able to call an ambulance and lost precious time.

    • Police Kyiv reported that on May 11, an accident occurred in Troyeshchyna. Ford at breakneck speed flew into the concrete blocks of the local checkpoint.

    The tragedy occurred on Radunskaya street. There immediately went 3 ambulances. However, the driver and passengers died from their injuries before the arrival of doctors. Law enforcement officers have already started criminal proceedings. This is a violation of traffic safety rules that resulted in the death of the victim.

    • Accident with a minibus occurred in Lviv on May 20 . She drove into a column on the territory of the gas station.

    Six victims were immediately reported. One victim was hospitalized. Others were provided with the necessary assistance at the scene. The incident occurred at about 18.30 on Stryiska Street.

    According to preliminary data, the minibus driver lost control. Investigators opened criminal proceedings on the fact of violation of traffic safety rules of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

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