Home » Taurus for Ukraine: Bärbock has been trying for months to change Scholz’s opinion on this matter

Taurus for Ukraine: Bärbock has been trying for months to change Scholz’s opinion on this matter

by alex

Berbock is trying to convince Scholz to provide Taurus to Ukraine/Collage 24 Channel

Germany has not yet made a decision on sending Taurus long-range missiles to Ukraine. It is known that Annalena Bärbock is trying to change Olaf Scholz's opinion on this matter.

As noted by the media, German Foreign Minister Annalena Bärbock is trying to change Chancellor Olaf Scholz's opinion on providing our state with long-range Taurus cruise missiles.

So far it has not been possible to convince Scholz

As noted in the publication, Burbock has not publicly made statements regarding Taurus cruise missiles for several months . This is done in order to avoid words that Scholz might perceive as unacceptable pressure. At the same time, the German Foreign Minister relies on his allies.

Journalists in the publication mention the statement of the British Foreign Secretary. In an interview with German media he proposed exchanging Taurus missiles for British Storm Shadow ones. The publication notes that it looked as if the minister was talking about something that Annalena Bärbock did not dare to do .

In addition, the material writes that Madam Minister is secretly working on a plan which allows Germany send cruise missiles to Ukraine and not cross Scholz’s “red lines.”

Actually, according to one of the options, Germany transfers Taurus to Great Britain. And it is already transferring cruise missiles to Ukraine. At the same time, the British retain control over both the deployment and the targets of these missiles.

The publication writes, that Annalena Bärbock has not yet been able to convince Olaf Scholz. As journalists note, for her this is not just another weapon system.

Our state is increasingly forced to move into a defensive position every day. Sources close to Bärbock believe that in this situation it would be important if Olaf Scholz made it clear to the German population what the defeat of Ukraine could mean for the security of Europe.

Please note that on March 15, a trilateral meeting of the leaders of Germany, France and Poland took place in Berlin. During it, Scholz, Macron and Tusk agreed on a number of initiatives aimed at military assistance for our state.

They also made an important statement. As Scholz noted, Ukraine will receive more weapons. But Macron noted that he would not allow Vladimir Putin to win the war unleashed by the Kremlin.

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