Home » Talks with Russia Impossible – Burbock Says Putin Sacrifices His Country for Ambitions

Talks with Russia Impossible – Burbock Says Putin Sacrifices His Country for Ambitions

by alex

Burbock says peace talks with Russia are impossible/Shutterstock

Annalena Burbock believes that peace talks with the Kremlin in Ukraine are impossible. The head of the German Foreign Ministry also responded to calls for the actual surrender of Kyiv.

Burbock would like to talk to Lavrov, but doubts his authority

< p>Now there are no opportunities to negotiate with Russia. This was stated by the German Foreign Minister in an interview.

What can be negotiated with someone who is not ready to agree even with the Red Cross on humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians,” Burbock emphasized.

She added that she had not communicated with her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov since the start of a full-scale war. Burbock would like to say: “Come on, Sergei, let's negotiate peace.” But she doubts that he even has the authority to decide such matters.

In addition, when Burbock spoke at a meeting of G20 foreign ministers in early July, Lavrov did not listen to her. He left the hall immediately after his speech.

Understood – Burbock on the call for the “surrender” of Ukraine

Several German figures have previously published a letter in which they called on the world to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine. They demanded that Berlin “incline” Kyiv to “peace” with the Kremlin, that is, to surrender. Burbock noted that if she were Ukrainians, she would have taken this letter as “naive, arrogant and confusing.”

When asked if Kyiv should make concessions to Moscow, the minister replied that she had no right solve such a question.

What right does the German foreign minister have to decide for Ukraine, what part of its territory it should give up, how many millions of its citizens should submit to Russian domination? politician.

We note that the German minister believes that by starting this war, Russian President Vladimir Putin “sacrifices his own country.” After all, the most important thing for him is to preserve the regime and stay in power.

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