Home » Taiwan expects Chinese invasion in 2027: what will cause such a decision by Jinping

Taiwan expects Chinese invasion in 2027: what will cause such a decision by Jinping

by alex


Tension is also rising around Taiwan. The country assumes that in a few years China may decide on a full-scale invasion.

The corresponding assumption was voiced by Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. He noted that now it is “more likely” to talk about China's invasion of Taiwan. In this way, Xi Jinping cantry to divert attention from internal problems.

Tensions continue to mount

According to Wu, the invasion could happen in 2027. He noted that the situation has only worsened in recent years. This can be seen especially clearly when comparing the situation in 2022 and the two previous ones.

For me, 2027 is a year that we must beware of. In 2027, Xi Jinping is likely to move to his fourth term, he said.

He suggested that if the head of statedoes not show “no achievements” in the previous three terms,then he has to do something. The President of China will need something that he can call “his achievement or his legacy.”

Wu drew attention to the situation in China. According to him, the economy in the country is going down, and people are not happy with what is happening. The real estate business sector has nothing good to boast of.

If Xi Jinping cannot make a difference inside China, he may use force or create a crisis from outside to divert attention at home or show the Chinese that he has achieved something. he said.

The Foreign Minister added that he was concerned. It is connected with the fact that “Taiwan can become a scapegoat” for Jinping.

Will China be able to win

  • International analysts shared their opinion on this matter. They noticed that if Beijing does decide to attack, it has nothing to even think about winning.
  • Simulation shows thatChina loses in this case.If the losses of the United States, who will fight on the side of Taiwan will be several aircraft carriers, 20 – 30 ships and about 3,200 military, then the enemy's situation will be more deplorable. According to estimates, Beijing will be left without 138 ships, 155 combat aircraft, and about 10,000 soldiers.
  • It is known that Taiwan's own army will also suffer significant losses. The point is that the island will be left without its entire combat fleet, consisting of 26 frigates and destroyers. In addition, 3,500 soldiers will die.

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