Home » Support of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a fixed price for gas: the results of a government meeting

Support of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a fixed price for gas: the results of a government meeting

by alex

Shmyhal spoke about the results of a government meeting/Wikipedia

Denis Shmyhal said that every week the authorities approve many decisions to restart the economy, provide for the army, and support the people who need it most.

On this, the prime minister – the minister said during the meeting of the government held on April 29, Channel 24 informs.

Provision of the army

He noted that the first and key priority is the provision of the army. We allocated more than 119 billion hryvnias to the Ministry of Defense. These funds will be used for:

  • salaries;
  • equipment;
  • fuel;
  • food;
  • protection;
  • weapon.

We are trying to provide our fighters as much as possible. For the same needs, we allocate more than 28 billion hryvnias to the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” the official said.

Ukrainian Economy

Denis Shmyhal pointed out that the economy is the next priority. In the last week, certain difficulties and problems with fuel have been fixed.

  • The main reason is the destruction of part of our infrastructure by the enemy, including the shutdown of the Kremenchug oil refinery.
  • The Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Energy are conducting permanent consulting with fuel companies to resolve this issue.
  • We approved changes to the state regulation of prices for petroleum products, which will allow solving the issue of fuel shortages at gas stations within 7 days.

Food security

< p>The government has approved a specific plan to ensure food security in Ukraine.

  • it involves the continuation of the program of free distribution of food packages.
  • state support for farmers has been taken into account, within the framework of the “5 – 7 – 9” program, the agricultural sector has already received loans in the amount of about 15 billion hryvnias.
  • An important point is measures to stimulate the processing of agricultural products in our state.

The launch of lending programs at 0% helped not only farmers, but also other businesses to restart their work. Today we are expanding the program, in particular, to enterprises in the field of passenger and freight transportation, the prime minister emphasized.

In addition, the state program of financial leasing will now have the same conditions as “5 – 7 – 9” – the maximum available leasing. All this is necessary for people and businesses to continue working.

Energy Sector

Stable operation of the energy sector approved the decision that gas prices for people remain unchanged. No increase – 8 hryvnia per cubic meter, as it was. Also, the preferential price will be valid for enterprises that perform vital functions to ensure the defense of the state.

In a separate decision, the Government recommends that local authorities and public utilities not increase tariffs for utilities during the martial law and the state of emergency in Ukraine. Tariffs for people should not increase, the official stressed.

“We also urge Ukrainians to continue paying for utilities so that enterprises have the opportunity to make repairs and pay wages to workers,” he continued.


Social sphere

Denis Shmyhal informed that programs to support internally displaced persons are ongoing, they have already received more than 2.6 billion hryvnias in payments. Housing is a separate issue.

The government has approved a document determining which families from among the migrants will be provided with housing in the first place:

  • large families;
  • pregnant women;
  • families with children;
  • people who have lost their ability to work;
  • pensioners.

The state will buy temporary housing for families. We will also repair housing facilities in order to resettle people there,” the Prime Minister emphasized.

In Diya, Ukrainians registered more than 100,000 applications for compensation for destroyed property. The same opportunities were extended to legal entities. In the near future, they will also be able to apply in Diya so that the government can begin to form a detailed register of damaged and destroyed property.

Checkpoints with Romania

Two new checkpoints will soon open on the border with Romania: “Dyakovtsy” and “Krasnoilsk”.

This will help to further relieve traffic across the border, Denis Shmyhal explained.


At the same time, Ukraine is negotiating with its European neighbors to launch common checkpoints and jointly conduct customs control, which will speed up the customs clearance process.

Support for partners and allies

The head of government also said that this week there is a lot of news about cooperation with allies and international partners. Agreements on the support of our state. Among the most important decisions:

  • The European Union has decided to abolish duties and restrictive measures for Ukrainian products. Almost half of our exports go to Europe, so this is a very powerful step to support the Ukrainian economy. Thank you for this.
  • Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania. We have already agreed and are actively negotiating the use of the port infrastructure of these countries for the export of Ukrainian products.
  • The House of Representatives of the US Congress approved a bill on the confiscation of Russian assets. The proceeds from their sales will be used to support and restore Ukraine.
  • US lawmakers also supported the Lend-Lease bill for Ukraine. This is the second time in world history. Again to fight the aggressor in Europe, again to defeat the dictatorship.
  • US President Joe Biden invited an additional $33 billion to Congress for Ukraine. I am sure that this request will find a quick answer. After that, the Russian army in Ukraine will be in for even more extremely unpleasant surprises, because most of this assistance is modern weapons.
  • A short list of what has been achieved on the international front. All this brings our victory closer.

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