Home » Summons can be handed to Ukrainians at work, on the street and at checkpoints – Ground Forces

Summons can be handed to Ukrainians at work, on the street and at checkpoints – Ground Forces

by alex

What you need to know about general mobilization in Ukraine/Collage of Channel 24

General mobilization continues in Ukraine. It will last until the end of martial law, that is, at least 3 months.

Not everyone understands what needs to be done in such conditions, so the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine gave answers to the most common questions. The main thing you need to know about mobilization, conscription and agendas – read on.

Priority in mobilization

Currently, mobilization in Ukraine is taking place according to certain plans, volumes and terms without disruption . With the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine, highly motivated citizens, reservists of the operational reserve of the first stage and volunteers went to the military registration and enlistment offices in the first place. Subsequently, there was a need to recruit specialists in scarce specialties with experience in military service.

The call for mobilization is mandatory for all those liable for military service. However, there is a queue. First, they call for those who are motivated, with high morale and appropriate training.

If citizens with relevant combat experience have not waited for the agenda, but want to defend Ukraine, they turn to regional territorial recruitment centers or to a selected military unit. They are called there.

Experience in military service or training meeting in the relevant specialty is a mandatory requirement for conscripts. Those who do not have such experience are first sent for training. It is held in specialized centers – training grounds or at retraining and advanced training courses.


Agendas are served through local governments, heads of enterprises, institutions or organizations. In addition, Ukrainian law is not prohibited from handing the story anywhere after identification. This means that officials of the RTCC can serve summons not only at the place of residence or work, but also on the street or at checkpoints.

The summons indicates the date and time of arrival at the territorial center for a medical examination. If a person does not appear at the appropriate time, they may be fined from 100 to 200 thousand rubles – from 1700 to 3400 hryvnia.

In case of violation of the legislation on mobilization preparation and mobilization, the national police may detain conscripts and deliver them to recruitment centers.

In addition, the Criminal Code provides for criminal liability for draft evasion during mobilization. For this, imprisonment for a period of 3 to 5 years.

It is important to understand! Receiving a summons does not mean that a person will necessarily be mobilized. A call to the recruitment center is, first of all, a verification of credentials and passing a medical examination to determine suitability for service.

Who is not subject to mobilization

There are categories of persons who are not subject to conscription during mobilization. This includes:

  • employees booked for state bodies, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations,
  • recognized as persons with disabilities or temporarily unfit for military service on the conclusion of the VLK for up to 6 months, followed by a commission,
  • women and men who have 3 or more children under the age of 18,
  • women and men who independently raise a child under the age of 18 years,
  • women and men, guardians, trustees, adoptive parents, foster parents raising a child with a disability under the age of 18,
  • adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, adoptive parents, parent-educators who support orphans or children deprived of parental care, under the age of 18,
  • people's deputies of Ukraine.

With a complete list of persons , not subject to mobilization, can be found in the relevant Law.

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