Home » Summons again: the lawyer explained whether they can serve it

Summons again: the lawyer explained whether they can serve it

by alex

General mobilization continues in Ukraine and draft-age men are handed subpoenas. So many Ukrainians are interested in whether they can re-serve subpoenas and in what cases.

Lawyer Rostyslav Kravets said that re-submission of subpoenas in Ukraine is not uncommon. In some cases, they are indeed served.

In what cases are subpoenas re-served

According to the lawyer, subpoenas can be re-served if:

  • Under certain circumstances, a person did not receive it,
  • To clarify the data of the conscript and to pass the VLK in order to find out suitability for service,
  • If the person liable for military service is not appeared at the military registration and enlistment office at the appointed time.

Also, citizens who evade service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are convicted under the article “Draft evasion for mobilization” are also handed summons again, because they are not registered with the military withdrawn.

Even paying a fine or arrest does not release a person liable for military service from mobilization, the lawyer said.

What kind of responsibility threatens deviators

  • Rostislav Kravets clarified that men who evade military service and do not appear at military registration and enlistment offices after receiving subpoenas face criminal and administrative true responsibility.
  • According to article 336 of the Criminal Code Ukraine, establishes responsibility for evading conscription for military service during mobilization in the form of imprisonment for a term of 3 to 5 years.

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