Home » Sudden media “generosity”: what other oligarchs can follow the path of Akhmetov

Sudden media “generosity”: what other oligarchs can follow the path of Akhmetov

by alex

Why Akhmetov decided to get rid of his own TV channels/Channel 24 collage

Many were surprised by Akhmetov's decision to terminate his own activities in the holding. Perhaps even the workers themselves were surprised.

Ukrainian political scientist Igor Petrenko told Channel 24 about this. He also noted that, probably, everyone thought that Igor Kolomoisky should take such a step next. But today his position as an oligarch is rather weakened.

According to Petrenko, there are many reasons for this – it is worth mentioning the American criminal proceedings, which is why, for Kolomoisky's stay in Ukraine, this is about security< /strong> , respectively, you have to pay for it and be obedient.

“As for Poroshenko, he is also now trying to somehow distance himself from the Pryamiy TV channel. But the law does not talk about “ownership of the media”, but about “influence on the media”,” the political scientist notes.

Poroshenko is still trying to position himself as a political player, although, in my opinion, he is only burying himself even more, adds Igor Petrenko.

There is still more Pinchuk, but has long been working to create the image of a “philanthropist” and a generous benefactor. He has good connections with the political elite and business, the specialist adds.

According to the political scientist, it is Pinchuk who can try to sell one of his TV channels – we are talking about Novy Kanal, because it is the only one that generates income.

Will Akhmetov be able to get rid of the media holding


Not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance, the political scientist says. Firstly, we are talking about the transfer of licenses to the state administration, but in the legal plane there is simply no mechanism for transferring these licenses.

Accordingly, Akhmetov can only refuse licenses, and even then the state announces a new competition and sells whether it can buy these rights, explains Igor Petrenko.

submission transfers its channels to the state,” the specialist emphasized.

In fact, Akhmetov says that his media holding is withdrawing from activities on the territory of Ukraine. That is, indeed, there will no longer be such a media holding in Ukraine, because the law on oligarchs comes into force.

Akhmetov was exactly the one who very actively opposed this law, adds Petrenko.

We remember how the rhetoric on his channels changed after the adoption of this law and what Akhmetov tried to push Razumkov towards, the political scientist concludes.

More about Rinat Akhmetov's refusal from his own media machine: watch the video

What is happening around Akhmetov's media holding

Oligarch Rinat Akhmetov announced on July 11 that he was leaving the media business. The businessman's media holding will waive all licenses in favor of the state. Akhmetov explained his decision by creating a register of oligarchs in Ukraine. True, the owner of Shakhtar denies that he is an oligarch.

Subsequently, Natalya Yemchenko, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, said that the oligarch does not transfer his media to the state, but only broadcasting licenses.

Akhmetov's decision was commented at the Office of the President. Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the President's Office, called this an example that the law is the same for everyone.

Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko said he was surprised by Akhmetov's decision. He explained that the decision of the oligarch cannot but affect the Ukrainian media market, which has already “dipped” significantly due to the full-scale war of Russia against our state.

Which channels, websites and print publications are part of the Media Group Ukraine”

  • TV channel “Ukraine 24”,
  • TV channel “Ukraine”,
  • Youth TV channel NLO TV
  • TV channel Indigo TV,
  • thematic channels “Football 1/2/3”,
  • international channels Ukraine 1/Ukraine 2,
  • NLO TV 1/NLO TV 2,
  • “TV channel 34”,
  • “Donbass” TV channel,
  • “Sigma” TV channel,
  • “New Group Ukraine”,< /li>
  • Multimedia platform TODAY,
  • Baying Media Partnership,
  • satellite speech operator Xtra TV,
  • OTT platform OLL.TV,
  • Vogue.UA project.

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