Home » Stranger is the removal of Patrushev, not Shoigu: the oppositionist explained the changes in the Russian government

Stranger is the removal of Patrushev, not Shoigu: the oppositionist explained the changes in the Russian government

by alex

Vladimir Putin made personnel changes in power. The civilian Andrei Belousov will take the post of Minister of Defense, and Sergei Shoigu will become Secretary of the Russian Security Council. Before that, it was headed by Nikolai Patrushev. These changes are unlikely to affect the occupying army.

About this 24 Channel said Russian opposition journalist Igor Yakovenko, noting that there is no point in predicting Putin’s decision. Previously, it seemed that Shoigu would still remain at the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The situation with Patrushev also looks somewhat strange. He held his position for quite a long time.

More strange is the displacement of Patrushev. He served as Secretary of the Security Council for 16 years – and amassed serious political capital. During this time, he selected all the hardware resources of this structure for himself. Considering that his son was appointed vice minister… Therefore, removing Patrushev from office was probably an important task for Putin, Yakovenko said.

Will the Russian army change after the arrival of Belousov

As Yakovenko noted, the appearance of Belousov is rather a minus for Ukraine. But there are unlikely to be any drastic changes. The occupation army will not be Belousov’s direct sphere of occupation. Valery Gerasimov will continue to lead everything there in the future.

If we talk about a better transfer of the economy to a “war footing,” then everything depends on the government, and not on a specific defense minister . Therefore, there will be no radical breakthrough.

Most likely, there will be less theft in the army, which is bad. The more they steal, the less there will be left. I think there will be no radical deterioration of the situation for Ukraine,” Yakovenko emphasized.

The situation in Russia: briefly

  • Putin appointed economist Andrei Belousov to the post of Defense Minister. Sergei Shoigu has now taken the post of Secretary of the Russian Security Council.
  • Everything that is known about Andrei Belousov – read the material of Channel 24.
  • < li>ISW analysts analyzed personnel changes in Russia. They believe that Putin wants to strengthen the Russian defense and economic systems in the context of the war against Ukraine.

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