Home » State Final Attestation in 2025: Will it be held and what is known about the innovations

State Final Attestation in 2025: Will it be held and what is known about the innovations

by alex

After the start of military actions in Ukraine, the State Final Attestation (GIA) for schoolchildren was cancelled. However, they are planning to return it as early as next year, 2025.

Is it possible to hold the State Final Attestation in 2025 for students in grades 4 and 9 and what is known about the innovations – read more in the ICTV Fakty material .

Will there be a State Final Attestation next year 2025: what is known

State final certification (GIA) is a form of control over the educational level of graduates of general educational institutions of the I, II, III levels and vocational and technical educational institutions.

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The assessment is carried out at the end of the school year in written form for primary (4th grade) and secondary school (9th grade). The list of subjects is annually determined and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Let's find out whether there will be a State Final Attestation in 2025 in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment (UCEQA) spoke about the return of exams and whether there will be a State Final Attestation in Ukraine in 2025 for grades 4 and 9.

State Final Attestation for 4th grade students

A pilot test was conducted for 4th grade students in 2024. However, the UCOKO has now decided against scaling up the project in 2025. Instead, it is planned to conduct a second stage of piloting and work will continue to improve the assessment model.

Currently, the center's specialists are processing the results of the piloting of the State Final Attestation in reading, mathematics and the Ukrainian language, which was conducted in May 2024 for 2,000 fourth-grade students from 39 schools in different regions.

It is noted that the results obtained this year will not affect the final grades of students when conducting the State Final Attestation in 2025.

The results of the State Final Attestation will be used only to clarify approaches to assessment and develop a testing model.

State Final Attestation for 9th grade students

UTsOKO plans to introduce new GIA assignments for 9th grade students (GIA-9) from 2025.

In particular, schoolchildren will be assessed in five subjects:

  • Ukrainian language;
  • History of Ukraine;
  • Mathematics;
  • Foreign language;
  • Natural sciences.

Also, during the State Final Attestation in Ukraine in 2025, they plan to add an oral part to the test tasks. Since, according to experts from the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment, subjects such as the history of Ukraine and civic education require extensive expression of thought.

However, the State Final Attestation will not appear in 2025 for all students. A gradual launch of assessment is planned. Piloting of one subject is planned for next year.

In 2026, some educational institutions will be able to join the piloting of the State Final Attestation-9. This will be done on a voluntary basis. The results of the piloting will be used to further improve new approaches to assessment. By 2027, it is planned to introduce assessment for all ninth-graders.

The UCEQA notes that developing a model of the State Final Attestation for 9th-graders is somewhat more complicated than for 4th-graders. This is due to the fact that the GIA-9 should cover a larger number of educational sectors and ensure an objective assessment of students' knowledge regardless of the educational program they studied.

Most likely, the GIA for grades 9 will be conducted in electronic format. But so far there are problems with organizing this type of certification related to the technical support of schools and maintaining academic integrity during testing.

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