Home » State Bureau of Investigation prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships worth more than a billion hryvnias out of Ukraine

State Bureau of Investigation prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships worth more than a billion hryvnias out of Ukraine

by alex

The State Bureau of Investigation prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships out of Ukraine/State Bureau of Investigation

The State Bureau of Investigation is working to find the property of the aggressor country Russia. After all, in the future it will be nationalized in order to strengthen the defense capability of Ukraine.

Consequently, we received a replenishment of 10 ships seized from Russia. Now they will work for our economy and the Armed Forces.

Investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation, together with the Marine Guard of the State Border Service, prevented the withdrawal of 8 Russian cargo ships and 2 tankers from Ukraine. They were in the waters of the Odessa port for preventive maintenance. Russia involved the ships in logistical operations in the Black Sea and the Danube, the SBI said.

The owners of the ships wanted to illegally withdraw the ships from Ukraine. They tried to change the flag of the country of “registration” for this. To pay the state budget of Ukraine, the minimum mandatory payment, the ships were estimated at 160 million hryvnia. Previously, this amount was underestimated by at least 5 times.

On April 11, employees of the State Bureau of Investigation transferred the vessel to the Administration of the Sea Ports of Ukraine for storage. They also report that they submitted the relevant materials to the Odessa OVA to be nationalized.

Russian ships will be nationalized for Ukraine/Photo by the State Bureau of Investigation

The State Bureau of Investigation prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships worth more than a billion hryvnia out of Ukraine

The SBI prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships out of Ukraine for more than a billion hryvnias

The State Bureau of Investigation prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships worth more than a billion hryvnias out of Ukraine

The State Bureau of Investigation prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships out of Ukraine worth more than a billion hryvnias

The SBI prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships out of Ukraine for more than a billion hryvnia

The State Bureau of Investigation prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships worth more than a billion hryvnias out of Ukraine

< img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/gbr-pomeshalo-rossijskim-biznesmenam-vyvezti-iz-ukrainy-10-sudov-na-bolee-chem-v-milliard-griven- 5aa096a. jpg" alt="The State Bureau of Investigation prevented Russian businessmen from taking 10 ships out of Ukraine worth more than a billion hryvnias" />

The State Bureau of Investigation emphasizes that now they will work in the interests of the state, for the development and economic development of Ukraine.

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