Home » Stand guard over air borders: Ukraine celebrates Air Force Day

Stand guard over air borders: Ukraine celebrates Air Force Day

by alex

Ukraine celebrates Air Force Day/Channel 24 Collage

Every year on the first Sunday of August Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, against the backdrop of a full-scale invasion, this day became special.


Defenders of the Ukrainian sky are destroying enemy aircraft and Russian cruise missiles. President Volodymyr Zelensky and Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, were the first to congratulate our soldiers on the holiday.

The Air Force Protects the Sky

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stressed that the air force protects the sky of Ukraine and perform super-heavy tasks in the conditions of a full-scale war.

You protect the Ukrainian sky, professionally perform important combat missions and stand firmly on guarding the air borders of our state. Eternal gratitude to all the defenders of the sky who died defending Ukraine,” the President stressed.

Zelensky congratulated the Air Force: watch the video

Today the Air Force is not celebrating, but fighting

Nikolai Oleshchuk noted that From the first day of the full-scale invasion, the air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine withstood the powerful blows of the enemy and demonstrated their best qualities. Dozens of servicemen received the title of Hero of Ukraine. Unfortunately, many defenders of the sky died in battle.

The Commander of the Air Force noted that our soldiers have become idols for little Ukrainians and they are admired in the world. However, today they will not celebrate their professional holiday, but spend it in battles.

Losses and victories have united us and filled us with determination to put an end to total evil! The Ukrainian army has been ruthlessly tormenting the invaders on the battlefield for the fifth month already. The Air Force cleared the skies over the territory controlled by Ukraine from Russian aviation, Oleshchuk stressed.

However, the commander of the Vozdushny Sig noted that this is only the beginning and our soldiers will clear the entire Ukrainian sky of Russian aviation. At the front, Western weapons are proving their effectiveness, which is why the Air Force soldiers are waiting for foreign help.

“We must protect Ukrainians from missile attacks by a terrorist state! After all, we are fighting for our freedom, for the right to live in a civilized world, for the right to love our land, language, culture, for the future of our children and grandchildren! A deep bow to the families of the fallen defenders of the sky ! Eternal honor and memory to the soldiers who died in battle,” summed up the commander of the Air Force.

Congratulations from the commander of the Air Force Nikolai Onishchuk: watch the video

the enemy to take over the sky

Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak stressed that the soldiers of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not allow the enemy to capture the Ukrainian sky. Our soldiers defend Ukraine day and night.

You did not let the Russians take over the Ukrainian skies. On your account, thousands of downed missiles and destroyed targets. Enemies fear you and Ukrainians respect you,” Yermak emphasized.

Yermak’s congratulations on the Air Force Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: watch the video

The Day Air Force in Ukraine

The professional holiday of the defenders of the Ukrainian sky is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August, according to the decree of the third president of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko of June 27, 2007.

From the first days of the full-scale invasion, the Air Force demonstrated its professionalism and from the first hours of the war, Russia began to suffer losses in aviation. A few days later, the invaders lied that they allegedly controlled the Ukrainian airspace, but our soldiers continued to inflict losses on the enemy and are doing it now.

From the first days of the war, the “Ghost of Kyiv” appeared, which was credited with shooting down dozens of Russian aircraft. True, the Air Force Command called him a collective image of Ukrainian pilots.

Ukrainian pilots not only protect the Ukrainian sky, but also carry out heroic operations. For example, in May, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that our pilots took medicine, water, food to Azovstal, where super-heavy battles continued, and took away the wounded. It was almost impossible to fly to the plant, but our soldiers managed to do it. True, many of our defenders of the sky fell in the performance of such a heroic task.

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