Home » Stained-glass windows fly out in the church, and locks are torn out in garages, – Sadovy about the consequences of the blow

Stained-glass windows fly out in the church, and locks are torn out in garages, – Sadovy about the consequences of the blow

by alex

Sadovy spoke about the consequences of rocket attacks/Andrey Sadovy's Facebook

Yesterday, May 3, Russia launched missile attacks on almost the entire territory of Ukraine. In particular, Lvov was also under enemy fire, where the consequences of the shelling are still being eliminated.

The mayor of Lvov, Andriy Sadovy, told this on the air of Channel 24. He noted that yesterday, May 3, he visited all the objects of the city that damaged Russian missiles.

Consequences of the strike

According to Sadovy, the shock wave pretty much hit a large garage cooperative in the Shevchenko district of Lviv. Windows and doors were blown out. At the same time, other objects that were in the affected area were also damaged.

All the stained-glass windows flew out in the church, and the locks were pulled out in the garages and the door opened. The shock wave was so powerful that I was really amazed. – noted the mayor.

He also explained that yesterday, as a result of enemy missile strikes, not the railway itself, but communal infrastructure facilities were damaged. At the same time, they feed the railway, the water utility, hospitals and the housing sector.

The liquidation of the consequences is underway

The mayor stressed that now work continues to eliminate the consequences of enemy rocket fire. All services are running.

In most of the residential sector, electricity supply has already been restored. However, there remains a problem with a number of industrial enterprises, Sadovyi noted.

Don't ignore the alarm

Sadovyi stressed that in no case should one neglect air raid siren. He noted that it does not matter where the rocket falls, but only what the consequences will be.

“If people were at a distance of 100-300 meters from the place of defeat, they would simply be swept away, the impact wave was so powerful. Yesterday I saw with my own eyes (the consequences of the shock wave of the rocket – Channel 24) and was really shocked,” the mayor added . .

Sadovyi spoke about the amazing consequences of a missile strike: watch the video

Rocket attack on Lviv: what is known

  • Yesterday, May 3, during an air raid alert that was announced almost throughout Ukraine, explosions were heard in Lvov. This was reported between 20:00 and 21:00.
  • Later, the head of the Lviv OVA, Maxim Kozitsky, said that enemy missiles damaged 3 Lviv electrical substations. Therefore, power outages began in some areas of the city.
  • At the same time, the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovyi, noted that 2 people were injured as a result of the missile strike. According to him, they were taken to the hospital.
  • On the night of May 4, the head of the Lviv OVA, Maxim Kozitsky, spoke about the details of the enemy attack. According to him, infidels fired 6 missiles in Lviv region, 2 of which shot down our air defense forces.

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