Home » Special operation of the SBU in Crimea and aggravation near Avdievka: what happened at the front in a week

Special operation of the SBU in Crimea and aggravation near Avdievka: what happened at the front in a week

by alex

We are entering the 655th day of a full-scale war in Ukraine. The defense forces destroy the invaders and drive them out of our land.

This week was no less eventful. As a result of a special operation in the temporarily occupied Crimea, the SBU and the Main Intelligence Directorate attacked the Marine Oil Terminal, which provided fuel to Russian troops.

After a long lull, the Russians launched a missile strike on Kyiv. About the aggravation near Avdeevka and the war plan for 2024 — read in the material Facts ICTV.

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Rocket attack on the capital

Avdeevskoe direction

Tauride direction

The situation in the Black Sea and Crimea

War plan for 2024

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Kherson direction

Rocket attack on the capital

On the morning of December 8, after a long lull (79 days), the Russian military launched an air strike on the capital. Enemy missile-carrying bombers fired cruise missiles of the X-101/555/55 type from the area of ​​​​the city of Engels, Saratov region.

This blow cannot be called large-scale, says military expert Pyotr Chernik. According to him, in this way the invaders tried to test our air defense system.

– If there were 40-60-100 missiles, this could be considered a massive strike. We accumulated a certain amount of ammunition and tested our air defense to understand its condition. And she’s in excellent condition, almost everything was knocked down,” he said.

The expert notes that due to sanctions and a lack of spare parts, the Russians can produce no more than 100-130 missiles per month. Therefore, now they are trying to accumulate ammunition in order to later launch a massive attack.

Avdeevskoe direction

In the Avdeevsky direction there is now one of the most tense situations on the battlefield. The largest number of clashes is recorded in the area of ​​​​Avdeevka and Maryinka.

Спецоперация СБУ в Крыму и обострение под Авдеевкой: что произошло на фронте за неделю

Photo : our site

As Alexander Shtupun, a representative of the joint press center of the Tauride Defense Forces, said, there are now about 40 thousand occupiers operating there. On average, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy 300-400 Russian troops there per day.

– The enemy is operating with the support of armored vehicles. Of course, our soldiers are burning it. The enemy has been actively attracting aviation over the past 24 hours, dropping guided bombs: 40 bombs fell in 24 hours, all — to the Donetsk region,” he said.

Meanwhile, Pyotr Chernik notes that there is no big progress on the enemy’s side. Weather conditions play into the hands of the Ukrainian Armed Forces; large equipment cannot move on ground softened by melted snow, so in general there are artillery confrontations there.

Спецоперация СБУ в Крыму и обострение под Авдеевкой: что произошло на фронте за неделю

< em>Photo: our website

– Positions can change several times in an hour. Endless counter-battery artillery duels — that's what's happening now. The massive movements stopped somewhat. The soil is viscous, the equipment cannot move fully,” said Chernik.

Tauride direction

The situation is also escalating in the Tauride direction. There, the occupiers reduced the number of assault operations, but again began to use aviation for strikes.

As the commander of the operational-strategic group of forces (OSGV) Tavria Alexander Tarnavsky reports, Ukrainian defenders continue to hold back the enemy.

The situation in the Black Sea and Crimea

Due to regular special operations by the SBU, the invaders were forced to reduce their presence in the Black Sea. As of December 10, there are two warships of the Russian Navy there.

On December 5, the Security Service of Ukraine, together with the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, damaged a number of important military installations of the Russian Federation as part of special operations in the temporarily occupied Crimea. In particular, the Marine Oil Terminal in Feodosia was hit. This is an important infrastructure facility that provides fuel to Russian troops. Ukrainian drones worked on it.

– Any destroyed object on enemy territory is welcome. The only moment — so far it’s not as widespread as we would like it to be,” the expert added.

War plan for 2024

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, in an interview with FoxNews, said that the Ukrainian military has already passed two lines of Russian defense and is now facing the third.

He noted that Ukraine wants to be part of NATO and “speak the same language”. Therefore, all calculations for the next year, procurement and planning of operations will take place in accordance with NATO standards.

– We have de-occupied 50% of our territory, we are defeating Russia on our land, we have returned the territory, liberated it. And now we have a plan for 2024,” said Umerov.

Kherson direction

In the Kherson region, Russian occupiers are building up their forces and accelerating the construction of fortifications.

Defense forces have recorded an increase in the number of observation posts and firing positions. They continue to put pressure on the right bank with artillery shelling and are actively using drones.

However, the Defense Forces continue to hold positions on the left bank of the Dnieper, continue the counter-battery fight, and inflict fire on enemy positions and rear areas.

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