Home » Sooner or later, there will be earthquakes in Ukraine: a seismologist explained what it depends on

Sooner or later, there will be earthquakes in Ukraine: a seismologist explained what it depends on

by alex

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As you know, the so-called Vrancea zone is dangerous for the territory of Ukraine. Earthquakes occurring at a depth of 180 kilometers can shake up the entire territory of our state.

The seismologist of the National Academy of Sciences Alexander Kendzera spoke about this on the air of the telethon. He claims that earthquakes are possible on the territory of Ukraine, because it is located in the same seismically active zone as Turkey.

Why earthquakes happen

Kendzera noted that the seismically active belt is constantly working and generating earthquakes. Those forces that move the tectonic plates can only be foreseen, but not stopped.

This belt was formed due to the fact that the Eurasian plate presses on the Arabian and African plates. Obviously, the movement of these plates cannot be stopped, so sooner or later there will be earthquakes,” the seismologist says.

He added that tremors depend onhow fast the plates are moving. According to him, speed determines the accumulation of energy. Therefore, where there is more energy, earthquakes will occur more often.

Which regions of Ukraine are at risk

The Vrancea zone is located in Romania on that the same belt, but tremors can be felt throughout Ukraine. Local seismically active zones were recorded near the Crimea and Transcarpathia.

The closest region to the Vrancea zone, according to the expert, is the south-west of the Odessa region. Earthquakes with an intensity of 8 on the Richter scale are possible there.

How to save your life during an earthquake: tips

There is a whole system of measures that need to be taken into account. In particular:

  • do not put heavy things on a closet or any elevation;
  • fix phones in advance where you can call;
  • do not run out onto stairwells or getting into an elevator is a high-risk area.

How to act during an earthquake/Channel 24 Infographic

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