Home ยป Some villages liberated from the enemy in the Kherson region were destroyed

Some villages liberated from the enemy in the Kherson region were destroyed

by alex

Some villages liberated from the enemy in the Kherson region were destroyed/Collage 24 channels

The Ukrainian military is gradually liberating settlements in the Kherson region from invaders. Some villages in the Kherson region were destroyed after the de-occupation.


The situation in the villages of Kalinovka and Velyka Aleksandrovka is critical

Channel 24 sources in the Kherson OVA said that hostilities continue on the territory of the Berislav and Kakhovka regions. It is reported that the situation in the liberated villages is difficult and some of them have been destroyed.

The situation is critical in the villages of Kalinovka and Velikaya Aleksandrovka. In the Kherson OVA, they said that in the steppe villages and those through which the Ingulets River passes, there are dozens of destroyed houses and no surviving infrastructure.

Also, one of the main issues of the Kherson region is the beginning of a new academic year. the invaders announce the opening of a little more than 20 educational institutions throughout the Kherson region.

What is the situation in the Kherson region

  • Ukrainian military create the prerequisites for a counteroffensive in the Kherson region. The Armed Forces of Ukraine hit three bridges, which led to problems with logistics for the Russians. Under fire were the Antonovsky, Darevsky bridges, as well as the bridge over the dam of the Novokakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.
  • Currently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine keep enemy logistics routes in the Kherson region under fire control. In addition, our troops strike at the military bases and warehouses of the occupiers. Ukrainian forces actually “cut off” the supply of Russian heavy equipment to the right bank of Kherson.
  • Advisor to the head of the Kherson Regional Military District Serhiy Khlan said that a turning point had come at the front in favor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He predicts that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will liberate the Kherson region before September. Khlan stated that the Ukrainian military are moving from defense to counteroffensive.
  • President Volodymyr Zelensky also informed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are confidently moving and driving away the occupiers in the Kherson region.

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