Home ยป Solving the issue of exporting Ukrainian grain in 2 steps to a solution, – Kuleba

Solving the issue of exporting Ukrainian grain in 2 steps to a solution, – Kuleba

by alex

Kuleba told who the export of Ukrainian grain depends on/Collage of Channel 24

Russia continues to block Ukrainian ports to make it impossible to export our grain abroad. Dmitry Kuleba emphasized that our state is as close as possible to unblocking the situation.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that there are literally a few steps left. If everything goes according to plan, Dmitry Kuleba is sure, Ukraine will be able to export its grain abroad.

Everything depends on Russia's decision

Dmitry Kuleba stressed that Ukraine is ready to transport its grain to the international market. Moreover, he stressed that our state, along with others, is in the same boat. So we are most interested in the possibility of unblocking ports. Although Russia is trying in every possible way to overthrow the blame on Ukraine.

We are two steps away from reaching an agreement with Russia. Security issues should be resolvedrelated to the position of Russia. We are in the final phase, and now everything depends on it, – Kuleba emphasized.

He added that if the Kremlin really expresses a desire, then Ukraine will soon export its grain. If they continue to “play their Hunger Games” there, then the invaders will turn on the worn-out record again. He will talk about the need to sit down at the negotiating table in order to unblock the ports.

Putin once again did not keep his promise

Earlier it was said that Russia is ready to unblock the ports. But an important condition: Ukraine should not be supplied with missiles capable of hitting 300 kilometers. International partners listened to the Kremlin's position and do not transfer appropriate weapons to our state. But the issue of grain exports is not moving forward either.

As political scientist Mykola Davidyuk emphasized, the enemy once again did not keep his word. He also noted that the courageous Ukrainian farmers continue to harvest. And they do this despite the risks of shelling and large-scale fires in the fields.

Davidiuk stressed that Ukraine needs to provide missiles that can hit much longer distances. This will at least minimize the threat from the sea. And all those ships that will try to poke in the direction of our state will suffer the fate of the cruiser “Moskva”.

Recall that on July 13 a quadripartite meeting in Istanbul. During it, representatives of Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the UN will discuss the possibility of exporting grain from the ports of our state.

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