Home » Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

by alex

Sofia Kyiv announced a tender for the restoration of the roof, structural systems, as well as the gilding of the domes of the St. Sophia Cathedral for 79.43 million hryvnia.

This is stated on the government procurement website Prozorro.

Sources of financing are government and charitable funds and the social fund.

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The winner of the tender was Metal Roofing Group LLC. The contract amount including VAT is UAH 79.20 million.

The initiative caused a storm of indignation in society. Many Ukrainians note that now budget funds should first of all be directed to the army.

— The army lacks weapons and equipment! Budget funds should first of all be used to finance the Ukrainian Defense Forces! This purchase is inappropriate, ineffective, untimely, unreasonable use of budget funds,” says the Union of Veterans’ appeal to the State Audit Service.

Later, reacting to the publicity in society, the national reserve reported that this year, 2 million UAH were allocated from the State budget for the installation of crosses and replacement of structural fastening systems on all domes to carry out the work declared in the tender. Other work, including gilding, will be carried out after the end of martial law.

“The current extremely unsatisfactory condition of the roof, structures and domes of the cathedral has become not just a problem for the museum, but also a threat to preserving the integrity of the unique monument, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List,” the message says.

It was noted that the issue of the need for restoration was repeatedly raised before the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. But due to lack of funding, it remained unresolved, and the situation only worsened.

This led to the fact that at about 23:00 on January 14, 2022, due to the wind, a cross fell from the south-eastern dome of the St. Sophia Cathedral. Since the crosses of the St. Sophia Cathedral were installed at approximately the same time, this only confirmed concerns about the technical condition of other crosses.

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Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

National Nature Reserve Sofia Kievska

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

National Nature Reserve Sofia Kievska

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

National Nature Reserve Sofia Kievska

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

National Nature Reserve Sofia Kievska

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

National Nature Reserve Sofia Kievska

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

National Nature Reserve Sofia Kievska

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

Sofia Kyiv wants to restore the domes for 79 million UAH, the public is outraged

By order of the National Nature Reserve, UkrNIIproektrestavratsiya urgently developed a project for the restoration of the roof, structural systems and gilding of the domes of the St. Sophia Cathedral.

The institute's specialists conducted detailed design and scientific-technological studies of the condition of the structural elements of all domes, crosses and the roof of the cathedral.

According to the research results, the technical condition of the structural system of the domes and, especially, the central dome is assessed as unsuitable for normal operation.

“The structures and plating of the crosses, their connections with the cross dome to the crown and the seam connections are in an acute state of disrepair, which can at any time lead to the destruction of both part of the domes and the crowns and crosses,” the reserve added.

Project documentation Restoration of the roof, structural systems and gilding of the domes of the St. Sophia Cathedral passed the examination and received a positive expert report, as well as approval from the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

To date, 6 crosses have been made at the expense of philanthropists and it is planned to conclude an agreement for the production of a central cross also at the expense of philanthropists.

In Sofia Kievskaya they noted that the work on the project is planned for 5 years, that is, until the end of 2028.

Earlier, a scandal erupted in Kyiv over government procurement for shelters and protective shelters. The Dnieper regional state administration purchased children's construction sets worth more than 900 thousand UAH, allegedly for “play and learning” during air raids.

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