Home » Snow and cold snap: winter weather returns to Ukraine

Snow and cold snap: winter weather returns to Ukraine

by alex

Forecasters predict that in the next week Ukraine will have winter weather and a lot of precipitation: snow, sleet and rain will fall throughout the country. By the end of the week, frosts are likely to intensify.

In an interviewChannel 24Forecaster of the Ukrhydrometeorological Center Natalya Ptukha said that despite the fact that so far in January there has been a shortage of precipitation, because the beginning of the month was rather snowless, now there is a tendency for the weather to become winter. Snow will fall in the coming days.

Slightly more snow may be, of course, in the Carpathian region. However, we do not expect any stable snow cover, heavy snow drifts until the end of January, – said Natalya Ptukha.

Decrease in temperature

At the same time, in February, according to the forecaster, we should expect a drop in temperature.

“The beginning of February will be close to normal, and in the future we will look and clarify. The norm of the average monthly temperature for Ukraine is -2.2 degrees,” the forecaster clarified.

Pay attention!According to the Ukrhydrometcenter forecast, the average monthly temperature in February will be from 3 degrees below zero to 2 degrees Celsius, which is 1.5-2 degrees above normal. At the same time, the monthly amount of precipitation will be within the normal range – 29 – 83 mm. Ukrhydrometeorological center, On January 31, almost all of Ukraine will have snow or sleet. Dry weather will be only in the Kharkiv-Dnipro-Donetsk-Zaporozhye region. Temperature without much change. During the day from 1 degree of frost to 3 degrees of heat, and at night – up to 2 – 6 degrees of frost.

In most regions of the country will decrease/Screenshot Ukrgidromettsentr

  • February 1 precipitation in Ukraine will continue. Sleet and snow is forecast for the West, North and most of the East. The rest of the territory is dry with some clouds.
  • February 2slight warming is predicted: in the center and in the south, the temperature will reach 3-5 degrees Celsius. Wet snow is expected in the West of Ukraine, snow and rain in the North, precipitation is also possible in the Donetsk region and Crimea.
  • February 3, the temperature in most areas will be from 1 degree below zero up to 2 degrees of heat, in the South up to 4 degrees of heat. Precipitation in the form of snow and sleet is againpredicted in the West and North,snow in some places in the East, and rain in Crimea.
  • February 4will be the wettest day of the week. Precipitation will cover almost the entire country: in the West and North, the daytime temperature will not rise above 2-5 degrees of frost, in the rest of the territory it will be from 1 to 1 degrees of heat.
  • Already on Sunday, February 5 The temperature in Ukraine will even out: during the day it will be from 1 degree of frost to 1 degree of heat, and at night the thermometers will drop to 1-5 degrees of frost. It will decrease in the West and most of the Northern and Eastern regions.

“January ends, but winter is not going anywhere”: February will be snowy

Forecaster Natalia Didenko also warned about the change in the weather in Ukraine. According to her, on January 31, atmospheric fronts will predetermine periodic precipitation in the form of snow and sleet almost everywhere.

January ends in Ukraine with clearer manifestations of winter weather. It is already snowing in the west of Ukraine, by the evening it will move further, to the Northern regions, – said Natalia Didenko.

It may get colder in February/Photo by Valentina Polishchuk, 24

< p>At the same time, she clarified that this does not mean round-the-clock snow and snowdrifts, since precipitation is expected periodically, will alternate with explanations.

January will end its stay in Kyiv snow, black ice, slight frost at night and 1-3 degrees of heat during the day. January is coming to an end, but winter is still here. There will still be snow and frost, – added Natalia Didenko.

According to her forecast, after February 4, a colder air mass will gradually enter Ukraine.

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