Home » Sleep in full: Putin's friend let slip what the Kremlin really wants

Sleep in full: Putin's friend let slip what the Kremlin really wants

by alex

Sleep in full: Putin's friend let out what the Kremlin really wants/Channel 24 website collage

Orban said that it is necessary to negotiate with Putin and not to take the side of Ukraine. And then Orban said that European nations are mixing with non-European ones, and this is bad, and the Hungarians want to stay clean.


Thank you, Mr. Orban. Because at first he said that it was necessary to negotiate with the fascist Putin. And then he made a claim about a pure nation in the style of fascist Hitler. P – sequence.

What the enemy wants

Thank you Mr Orban. Because by your statements you indicate that Putin really wants peace at this moment and activates all his agents to promote this thesis. And some of Putin's dogs, ala Kadyrov, are scaring the world with the apocalypse of a big war (like it is now small), while other Putin's dogs, ala Orban, are promoting the thesis that “you just need to stop shooting” and accept it as it is now, respecting the interests Russia, because it is strong and therefore it can do more. And it is important for us to know this. It is important to know what the enemy wants.

Thank you, Mr. Orban, that by voicing these theses, you clearly show the Europeans that this is what a fascist and friend of a fascist says. For the purity of the race is already sleeping in full. Because a normal Europe will never accept these theses and will be hostile to anyone who expresses them. Because he will also feel threatened.

Even if this someone sneaked inside the EU and wants to receive European money without accepting European values. Because for Orban, the only value is money, whether it is European money he wants to receive as a member of the EU, or Russian money he wants to receive as an agent of Putin inside Europe. But “nothing betrayed a Soviet spy in Stirlitz.”

Orban's theses about the “purity of the Hungarian nation” fully certify Orban as a person who does not stand aloof from conflicts, but promotes Putin's ideas. And destroys the unity of the EU. Open. And this should create opposition to all the theses that Orban proposes. And this is important for us, because we do not want a temporary solution to the problem on Putin's terms. It is important, because for an ordinary European these theses will cause rejection, which will concern not only the “pure race”, but also “negotiate with Putin”.

All fascists are very consistent

They are united values. Better than any glue. Modern fascists act as one front against freedom, respect only force, fight against “mixing of races”, “gay propaganda” and see nothing wrong with corruption. Almost everything is like Hitler's.

The theses of fascism do not change, although a new century is coming. They are against freedom. Against otherness. Against modernity and development. Fascism is always an attempt to stop the course of history. Hide from her. And fascism is liked by those who do not keep up with this story.

Russians are on the sidelines of the world and do not want to see a world where they are losers. But there is no other world for them. And they try to destroy what reminds them that they are failures. And Putin led these losers, formed for losers and became Putin, because in Russia there was a request from losers for a strong leader. The leader of the losers.

And now everything Putin does is trying to turn into the world leader of the losers. Become the head of Iran, North Korea, Syria. Become the leader of those who are afraid of technological progress, who are on the sidelines of globalization, who want to repeat the slogan of the Bolsheviks: “who was nothing, will become everything.” A sort of new version of the world revolution. World fascist revolution.

Are there forces in Europe that are ready to accept the ideas of a “pure race”? Yes, there have always been. And always will be. And Putin has always bet on them. Provoked a crisis of migrants to strengthen those forces. But these forces scare European elites just as much as Russia scares us. And with such statements, Orban once again proves to the Europeans that by supporting Ukraine, they are fighting for themselves. For your values. For your lifestyle.

And that's good. Because it's one thing when Europeans help Ukrainians out of empathy. And the other – based on the instinct of self-preservation. And the second is much more influential.

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