Home » Six-day wars are no longer relevant: Sharpe explained what affects the speed of IDF operations

Six-day wars are no longer relevant: Sharpe explained what affects the speed of IDF operations

by alex

Why the IDF ground operation is taking longer/Collage 24 Channel, Getty Images

Almost two months have passed since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 6, 2023, and more than a month has passed since the start of the IDF ground operation in the Gaza Strip, and it is still far from completion. Although earlier wars waged by Israel lasted much shorter, in particular, the conflict in 1967 lasted six days.

At the same time, opinions are emerging that Israel no longer has the military power it once had. Israeli military observer David Sharp told Channel 24 that the Israeli army has changed over the past 50 to 60 years. She lost some things, but became stronger in others.

Another plan was being developed< /h2>

Also over the years the enemy of Israel has changed, who had been preparing for this war for a long time.

Tens of thousands of militants have been preparing for this clash for almost 15 years, since 2007. Now the fighting in the Gaza Strip is taking place in densely built areas. Moreover, there are serious limitations in terms of legitimizing humanitarian law when acting in such situations. Accordingly, decisions are made that are different than before,” the military observer emphasized. /strong>. However, he assumed the risk of heavy losses.

In addition, in the Gaza Strip almost everything is mined – houses, roads , tunnels. The threat of mines is very great for the IDF, because sometimes militants use land mines weighing 500 kilograms.

“That is why the slow ground operation plan was chosen60 ~/strong>, and within its framework everything continues according to plan, with the exception of certain excesses. The command manages to effectively use the armed forces, and there are already results,” Sharp explained.

How much more can the IDF operation will continue

He also stressed that the general military phase of the IDF ground operation in the northern Gaza Strip is close to completion< /strong>. When the organized defense of Hamas is finally broken, the elimination of pockets of resistance will begin, in particular the clearing of underground tunnels.

However, in the south of the Gaza Strip, the operation will last at least several weeks. But if a truce and ceasefire are declared again, the operation may drag on.

“Exactly therefore six-day wars are no longer relevant. They require a different opponent and circumstances. Today they are different. However, this IDF operation is going according to plan and even ahead of schedule. Unfortunately, in this case there is a heavy price to pay,” said David Sharp.

More on the war between Hamas and Israel

  • After Hamas attacked Israel on October 6 and took more than 200 hostages, the IDF launched a ground operation on October 27.
  • At the end of November, Hamas and Israel agreed to a temporary truce, during which Hamas released the hostages and Israel released the Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli prisons.
  • However, on December 1, the IDF resumed the ground operation after Hamas violated the ceasefire agreement.
  • The Israeli army entered the southern Gaza Strip on December 3 to conduct a ground operation Let us remind you that the operation began in the north of the enclave and is now ending there.

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