Home » Shortage of “palkovodtsev”: whom Russia sent to lead its most powerful group in Ukraine

Shortage of “palkovodtsev”: whom Russia sent to lead its most powerful group in Ukraine

by alex

Russia surprised everyone by choosing the head of the Izyum group/Photo by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The situation continues to be difficult in the area where the enemy is conducting an operational-tactical offensive operation.

Where the invaders' octopus is crawling

In the Popasnyansky direction, as a result of their active offensive operations, the enemy managed to occupy the village of Pilipchatoe, as well as slightly improve the tactical position south of the village of Vasilievka.

In view of the impending threat to the left flank of the tactical group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was defending in the area of ​​​​Svetlodarsk and the village of Mironovsky, its units made an organized withdrawal to more convenient positions in the north-west direction.

In addition, the enemy is obviously preparing to go on the offensive in the direction of Golmovskoye and Novoluganskoye in the near future in order to try to cordon off our advanced units from the Svetlodar group in the area of ​​Luganskoye and Mironovka. Given the fact that the advanced units from the enemy’s Popasnyansky grouping are already in the Troitsky area, their future plans are quite understandable.

Most likely, the enemy will try to break through from the Troitsky area in the direction of Vozrozhdenie in order to cut the M-03 road , and the Gorlovskaya group, for its part, will try to break through Novoluganskoye to Semigorye and further to the Renaissance.

The lack of “meat” will be compensated by mercenaries

However, there is a nuance. If, most likely, Russian troops will operate from Troitsky, then units of the so-called “3rd Motorized Rifle Brigade” of the 1st AK will attack Golmovskoye and Novoluganskoye. At least two reinforced companies of this particular “brigade” were advanced on May 23 and 24 to the direction of a hypothetical offensive near Golmovsky + capsizing of at least two additional GSABTR on self-propelled guns 2S3 “Akatsiya” is recorded as a reinforcement from Debaltseve in the direction of the same area.< /p>

Obviously, the suspension of the offensive of the Popasnian enemy grouping in the Vladimirovka area towards Soledar and Yakovlevka, as well as in the direction to the north through Kamyshevakha, was caused not only by significant losses in its advanced units suffered in the previous three-day battles “along the breakthrough” to Bakhmut and Komyshuv, but and a number of other factors.

For example, a rather “relaxing” fire raid on a powerful enemy supply column, inflicted by Ukrainian artillery on the very first day of his “breakthrough”, as soon as the aforementioned column left Pervomaisk.

In addition, already a day after the “breakthrough” “The Armed Forces of Ukraine delivered a short counterattack in the Kamyshevakhi area, which actually stopped the spread of the enemy's “breakthrough” to the north and stabilized the situation in this sector.

At least on May 24, the command of the enemy troops actively replenished and regrouped their advanced units in the Popasna area, trying to change directions and areas of their entry into battle in the near future.

So, for example, the plans of the command of the Popasnian grouping of enemy troops to break through between Kamyshevakha and Zolote to the north, in order to reach the flank of our defending units near Gorny, and also finally occupy Toshkovka, became quite obvious.

A magic rake for the invaders< /h3>

In this context, only one thing is unclear. Fuck all this? The advance of the enemy troops in the Zolote-Gornoye area is devoid of any intelligible tactical sense. Besides from the word at all. By this, the enemy does not affect the stability of the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the “main strike” sector – in the Kamyshevakhi area and along the Lipovo – Vasilievka line. . Not even divergent ones, but opposite ones. Apparently, last time I over-praised Lieutenant-General A. Avdeev.

At a time when his advanced units in the Vladimirovka area, near Vasilyevka and Kamyshevakha are practically under the constant fire influence of Ukrainian long-range weapons, he does not find anything better than to separate part of his forces and means from this strike group and throw them to capture neighboring flank area, which does not affect the direction of the offensive of its main forces.

“Brilliant”, I think, just enchanting. And this despite the fact that both Zolote and Gornoye have not been well strengthened by the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the previous 8 years. And he was definitely the head of the General Military Academy of the Armed Forces?

The goal of the Rashists is Severodonetsk and not only

For its part, the “northern” grouping of enemy troops, which, in theory, should meet with these extraordinary “Papasnyansky” and thus close the encirclement around Lisichansk and Severodonetsk, also May 24 was a little “freaky”.

After the “mess” the day before near Liman, as a result of which the enemy managed to start urban battles in Liman, and the simultaneous attempt of the Izyum group to break through to the near approaches to Slavyansk, one must understand that the command of the enemy troops remembered why this whole motley gang actually climbed into the wooded floodplain Seversky Donets.

If someone forgot, let me remind you: they operate here in the direction of the “main strike” to 7 – 8 battalion tactical groups from the 35th, 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 41st Combined Arms Army and the 90th Tank Division of the Central Military District ( so, the one that raked near Brovary + up to 3 – 4 battalion tactical groups from the Airborne Forces and a mechanized regiment (apparently, the 106th Airborne Division).

Liman, Svyatogorsk – that's all “, of course, excellent, but Lisichansk and Severodonetsk will not encircle themselves. We still need to force the Seversky Donets and somehow advance on Seversk. The fact that the enemy continues to hatch plans to force the Seversky Donets and break through to Seversk is evidenced by several points .

In the Svatov area, the accumulation of crossing facilities continues (up to 15 sections of pontoon bridge crossings, up to 4 amphibians and about 8 tugboats have already been concentrated). The enemy is actively reconnaissance of the area of ​​the hypothetical forcing between Dronovka and Belogorovka. Moreover, it is precisely to determine the most convenient areas for forcing.

Judging by the number of forces and means that the command of the enemy forces is collecting in the Yampol region and south of Dibrova, in the coming days we should expect attempts to force the Seversky Donets on a fairly wide front.


But, I would like to stress that the forcing of the river in itself, the creation and retention of a foothold on its right bank will not be an end in itself for the enemy troops. Its main task is to reach Seversk and Verkhnekamenka.

Moreover, in my opinion, in the event of even partial success of the “northern” grouping in forcing the Seversky Donets, the Popasnian group of enemy troops he will definitely try to break through Vasilievka to Berestovo in order to assist him. Therefore, in the near future we should expect “synchronization” of the actions of both the “northern” and the Popasnian groupings of the enemy forces.

In this context, the planned offensive of the right-flank units of the Popasnian grouping on Zolotaya and Gornaya, which at first glance seems to be pure idiocy, may well be of a demonstration nature.

Hot segment of the front

To be honest, the overall situation in the entire Luhansk-Donetsk operational zone is not very encouraging. Yes, the enemy managed to temporarily stop and even in some places with the help of artillery and short, sudden counterattacks, somewhat “stabilize”. As it happened, for example, on May 23 with the “sudorg” of two left-flank tactical battalion groups of the Izyum grouping, which tried to break through to Krasnopolye. But all this is short-lived.

The pace of replenishment and strengthening of the two strike groups of Russian troops (“northern” and Popsnyanskaya) clearly provides them with an increase in the level of combat capability. Moreover, even in conditions of relatively high losses.

The “heroic” political officer

And so, in conclusion – something like a joke. You won't believe who is in command of the grouping of enemy troops called “Izyum”. Hero of Russia, Colonel General Gennady Zhidko. Now, attention, his full-time position: Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation – Head of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

One of the most powerful groups of Russian troops in the Donetsk-Lugansk operational zone in a decisive and responsible moment commanded by the chief Russian political officer. It’s completely fucked up with their commanders.

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