Home ยป Shootout Buryats with Chechens: the invaders can not share the booty and do not want to go on the offensive

Shootout Buryats with Chechens: the invaders can not share the booty and do not want to go on the offensive

by alex

The invaders cannot share the booty and do not want to go on the offensive/Korrespondent.net< p _ngcontent-sc86="" class="news-annotation">On the territory of the temporarily occupied Kiselevka, in the Kherson region, there was a mass skirmish between the Russian military. Chechens and Buryats took part in it.

According to our intelligence, more than 50 participants from each side distinguished themselves in the night incident. The exact number of wounded and dead is still unknown.

Why the conflict broke out

The reasons for the inter-ethnic conflict are the unwillingness of the Buryats to conduct offensive hostilities and the “inequality” of conditions with the Chechens. The latter are not at the forefront at all, remaining in the rear exclusively as “protective detachments”.

Their task is to encourage the infidel units to take action. That is, to open fire on those who are trying to retreat, – noted in intelligence.

Another reason, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate, is the unequal distribution of the loot.

The Russians were promised a Crimean scenario

It turned out that Russian contractors were promised an operation on the “Crimean scenario”. That is, the absence of resistance from Ukraine, the allocation of housing in the occupied territories and the peaceful passage of service

Seeing the real picture, many Russians refused to continue their service. This led to a conflict, which FSB representatives arrived to sort out. Some of the servicemen were taken away after interrogations in an unknown direction. They did not return to the place of duty.

Chechens shot dead 12 wounded Russians: what is known about this

Earlier, Ukrainian intelligence confirmed that Chechens shot dead 12 Russian soldiers. Only because they got hurt. According to NSDC Secretary Aleksey Danilov, this is another confirmation that Russia is by no means the only one.

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