Home » Shmigal called the sowing campaign in Ukraine successful and spoke about new challenges

Shmigal called the sowing campaign in Ukraine successful and spoke about new challenges

by alex

Shmihal said that now we need to harvest successfully as well/Channel 24 Collage

Ukraine this year has faced new difficult challenges in all sectors. Obviously, the reason for this was the war.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmigal spoke about the sowing campaign and other challenges. According to him, the sowing campaign was successfully completed in the new realities.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, 75% of last year's area has been sown. As part of the 5-7-9 concessional loan program, banks issued UAH 38.5 billion to support agricultural producers. Of these, 24 billion are under the program of state portfolio guarantees,” Schmihal said.

According to him, preparations for the harvest have already begun.

New challenges for agrarians

Shmihal assured that the Cabinet of Ministers understands all the difficulties that agrarians are now facing.

The first of these is the need to take out the crop. Therefore, the Ministry of Infrastructure is already doing everything necessary to increase the capacity on the western border of Ukraine. Russia has blocked our ports, so 23.5 million tons of grains and oilseeds remain in Ukraine.

Another task is to preserve the new crop. Here, the ministry plans to take into account international experience and presumably organize mobile storage facilities. Thanks to this, Ukraine will be able to increase storage volumes by 10-15 million tons.

According to Shmygal, the next challenge is to provide fuel for farmers.

During the meeting, he gave the task to the relevant ministries and the CAA to provide the necessary amount of diesel fuel for the harvest season, the prime minister assured.

He also noted that the government had taken all the necessary steps to successfully carry out the most difficult sowing campaign in history . Now you need to do the same harvesting and harvesting.

Russia is stealing Ukrainian grain

  • Everyone knows about the looting of Russian infidels in Ukraine. Russian invaders take stolen grain from Ukraine to the occupied Crimea. Entire convoys of trucks are sent there. Then they try to sell our grain to other countries. They steal from the temporarily occupied territories. Ukraine cannot keep track of this and punish the criminals too. Therefore, the world is in danger of starvation.
  • Turkey is among the countries buying stolen Ukrainian grain. The ambassador announced this. Namely, this country wanted to solve this problem by announcing negotiations between Russia, Ukraine and Turkey on this issue. Vasily Bodnar has already turned to the Turkish authorities and Interpol for help. They should launch an investigation to find out who is involved in grain shipments in transit through Turkish waters.
  • President Volodymyr Zelensky reacted to such looting. He also confirmed that Russia was trying to sell stolen Ukrainian grain to other states. Kyiv intervened in time and warned other countries about the consequences for buying stolen Ukrainian grain. After all, the Russians simply stole it and took it away on ships.

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