Home » She left the hospital and disappeared: a dead Ukrainian woman was found in Poland

She left the hospital and disappeared: a dead Ukrainian woman was found in Poland

by alex

A dead Ukrainian woman was found in Lublin after being searched for almost a week / Photo Polska Policja

A Ukrainian woman was found dead in the Polish city of Lublin. She left the hospital on October 30, after which she stopped communicating.

The Ukrainian natives sounded the alarm. They tried to contact her, but she did not get in touch.

Ukrainian woman found dead in Lublin

On Saturday, November 4, at about 16:00, a random passer-by discovered the body of a woman in the bushes on Leshchinsky Street. The police and forensic experts were immediately called to the scene.

They established that the deceased was a citizen of Ukraine. She had been wanted since October 30. That day the woman left the hospital and stopped communicating.

According to law enforcement officers, no signs of violent death were found on the body of the deceased. What caused the death is unknown. The results will appear after the examinations.

The investigation is being led by the Lublin Municipal Police Department.

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