Serbian security forces could use a sound gun to accelerate protest, – the media Anastasia Didencosomal theses < ul > < Li > Serbian police probably used sound guns against protesters in the new garden on March 15 during a minute of silence for the victims of the collapse at the railway station. < li > sound guns LRAD can produce sound waves of more than 160 decibels, which can cause panic and orientation violation.
< source _ngContent-sc215 = "" media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" type = "image/webp" srcset = " & AMP; W = 768 & amp; h = 432 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = Webp & q = 70 ">< source _ngContent-sc215 = "" Fetchpriority = "High" media = "(max-width: 620px)" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = " amp; w = 480 & h = 270 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC215 = "" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = " ; AMP; W = 1200 & h = 675 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < img _ngContent-SC215 = "Class =" Main-news-photo "src =" " Alt = "Serbian police dispersed the protesters in the new garden" Title = "The Serbian Police dispersed the protesters in the new garden" > 60 ~ p _ngContent-SC218 = “” AppinViewport = “” Class = “News-Annotation” > < Strong _ngContent-SC218 = "" > Serbian police, probably used sound guns against anti-government protesters in the new garden on March 15. These devices can cause severe pain in the ears and panic due to a volume of more than 160 decibels.
< P > 62 > 62 > 62 >This is told by < strong > 24 channel with reference to the N1 television channel, as well as the local Visegrád 24 channel. The incident occurred during a minute of silence through the victims of the collapse of the concrete canopy at the railway station in November 2024 years.60 ~ h2 class = “News-subtitle cke-markup” > sound attack on protesters < h2 ~< p data -is -last-node = "" "" "" "" "" " DATA-SI-ONLY-NODE = "" DATA-START = "620" > According to eyewitnesses, after a loud sound was heard, people began to panic, suggesting that it was a sound caused by the use of a sound gun. The police left the scene before the sound sounded. At the same time, the Balkan EU and local media report that we are talking about the use of LRAD (LONG Range Acoustic Device). ~ 60 > ~ ~< PData-End = "1007" Data-S-Last-Node = "" DATA-SOCO -OLY-NODE = "" DATA-START = "620" > These devices can produce sound waves that reach a volume level of more than 160 decibels, which is dangerous for human hearing and can cause pain in the ears, orientation disorders and panic.
< Strong > Serbian Police used sound guns/watch video 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~
to In the word, a large -scale anti -government protest took place in Belgrade on March 15, the participants accused the government of corruption during contracts with Chinese developers. ~ 60 > 60 > police entered into clashes with protesters, counting about 107,000 participants, while the media reports 1 million Protesters.