Home » Senators called on the US Congress to recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism after the deal with the DPRK

Senators called on the US Congress to recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism after the deal with the DPRK

by alex

Senators call on US Congress to recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism after deal with DPRK Vladislav Kravtsov

The US called to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism/Photo Getty Images

Republican and Democratic US senators said on June 21 that Congress should designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. This happened after increased cooperation between the DPRK and Russia.

In particular, Putin and Kim Jong-un signed an agreement on a “comprehensive partnership.” Therefore, the answer to this, according to senators, should be a bill recognizing Russia as a sponsor of terrorism.

Senators call for recognizing Russia sponsor of terrorism

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said that in addition to all the crimes that Russia has committed in Ukraine and other countries around the world, Putin's visit to North Korea is a new challenge for the United States. Therefore, now is “exactly the moment” for the adoption of this bill:

The fact that he (Putin – Channel 24) had enough courage enter into a defense agreement with North Korea… one of the most repressive regimes on the planet means we have lost deterrence… I urge the administration, given what Putin did yesterday, to go all in and recognize his regime for what it is : state sponsor of terrorism,” said the senator.

In turn, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal noted that the signed agreement between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un is “deeply frightening” and “hostile to the United States, peace, freedom and justice throughout the world.”

“Two of the most autocratic leaders in the world who commit atrocities stand together and are sponsors of terrorism…Russia deserves to be in this small, selective club of murderers who commit atrocities,” Blumenthal said.

The US Senate has already prepared a corresponding bill

Senators who developed the bill , claim that the Russian government under Putin's leadership actively supports acts of international terrorism directed against political opponents, foreign citizens and other countries.

The senators also pointed to key reasons why Russia is considered a state sponsor of terrorism. One of these reasons is the illegal invasion of sovereign Ukraine in 2022, which led to the brutal murder of thousands of innocent civilians.

American parliamentarians also included in the list of evidence of Russian sponsorship of terrorism the poisoning of Viktor Yushchenko in 2004, the poisoning of former Russian FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, and the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 350 in the Donetsk region in 2014. The document also highlights Russian support for the bombing of Aleppo in Syria in 2016, the poisoning of former Russian military officer and British double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK in 2018, and the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in 2024.

When asked by Voice of America journalists when exactly the relevant bill could be put to a vote, the senators replied that this would happen “sooner rather than later.” At the same time, Richard Blumenthal explained that there is now bipartisan support in Congress for a bill to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism:

This bill is bipartisan and has other signatories. And for me this is a priority, because I personally saw what Russia did in Ukraine,” the senator said.

He also explained that in accordance with the provisions of this document, cooperation is taking place with the US Presidential Administration. In particular, the White House expressed sympathy for the idea of ​​recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and continues to work on the bill.

Lindsey Graham, commenting on the agreement of the bill with the White House, added that he does not consider the recognition of Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism to be a provocative step on the part of Washington.

“I think that we are acting rationally … If you're worried about being too provocative about Russia, stop worrying. You're not being too provocative. We need to win when it comes to Russia. And the last real tool in the toolbox we can use is. this is recognition of Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism,” Graham said.

What will the recognition of Russia as a sponsor of terrorism lead to

The senators also clarified the contents of the document they published, emphasizing that the proposed legislation would have significant secondary consequences. Among them are the introduction of sanctions against countries engaged in any form of exchange with Russia, as well as the expansion of the scope of export of dual-use goods that will be prohibited from import into Russia.

Senators also reported that the new bill would sharply limit Russia's sovereign immunity in American courts. This measure will open the door to lawsuits, including civil ones, from victims of state sponsors of terrorism.

This will lead to increased sanctions. Yes, this will have practical consequences. But in my opinion, this message to the world is as important in a moral sense as any practical consequence, noted Richard Blumenthal.

Lindsey Graham also opined that this move has the potential to change the dynamics in Ukraine, lift the morale of its people, disrupt allies' business dealings with Russia, and ultimately further isolate the Russian regime.

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