Home » Self-sufficiency and lack of days off: Crimean residents flooded the Russian Ministry of Defense with complaints

Self-sufficiency and lack of days off: Crimean residents flooded the Russian Ministry of Defense with complaints

by alex

Relatives of Crimeans illegally mobilized and drafted into the Russian army are not very happy with the way the invader command treats its personnel. Moreover, they are not happy about the fact that Putin unleashed a war, because they feel that one way or another they will have to flee to Russia.

According to Channel 24 sources in the Ukrainian special services , the mood of the population in the temporarily occupied Crimea cannot be called joyful. The time is coming when the war will really come to their homes, and everyone who supported the annexation of the peninsula can be held accountable.

At the same time, the Crimeans, like the residents of the Belgorod region, like no one else see how serious Russia’s losses in the war are, and they are also aware of the fact that Putin’s army turned out to be much weaker than the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

The mobilized are treated like cattle

  • Those residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, whose relatives were taken into the army by the occupiers and forced to take part in hostilities in one way or another, suddenly faced the sad reality of the Kremlin's inability to provide for its horde.
  • In fact, all the units in which the Crimeans serve have been fully or partially transferred by the command to self-sufficiency. However, the problem is not always solely a lack of funding or products. Most often, everything that is allocated to a brigade, battalion or company is simply corny plundered by officers.
  • In addition, those products that do reach Putin's soldiers are usually spoiled and almost unfit for consumption – rotten stew, moldy biscuits, sour canned cabbage soup, and the like.
  • So that the soldiers do not die of hunger and do not tire the leadership with meaningless questions when they are fed, the commanders decided to introduce a system of mandatory provision of soldiers with their families.
  • It is clear that in the absence of normal salaries and with increased prices for everything, the relatives of the mobilized are by no means happy with this state of affairs. In fact, Russia tore off from every family and sent to the trenches a fully functional unit, and even made them risk their lives at their expense.

Also, the attitude of the relatives of the mobilized Crimeans to the war unleashed by Putin is greatly influenced by the constant violations of the rights of servicemen. After all, thousands of soldiers are constantly kept either on the front lines or in places of permanent deployment without the opportunity to get a vacation or even take a day off. At the same time, soldiers live in inhuman conditions, constantly get sick and do not have access to medical services.

Since some invaders at least periodically receive salaries that are considerable by the standards of life in the Crimea, the officers offer them rest for a bribe. So, completely exhausted mobilized, who in some places spent 5-6 months in the combat zone, can be allowed short-term vacations for several days only if the commanders are paid from 1.5 to 2 thousand dollars. It is clear that many are simply forced to agree, because all the complaints to the headquarters about the direct leadership do not lead to anything at all, except for punishments.

It is because of all these facts and the absence of any prospects for improving attitudes towards personnel that the relatives of those mobilized from Crimea began to write letters to the Russian Ministry of Defense en masse.

All must die humbly

However, it is quite clear that all the staff generals do not worry at all about the fate of some mobs from the Crimea. Especially against the background of the fact that every day they send hundreds of Russians to their deaths in cold blood. All complaints that fall on the secretaries of the Ministry of Defense are simply ignored. In the best case, the complainant can get a reply, like: “thank you very much, your appeal is very important for us, the responsible persons will deal with everything.”

In fact, Putin and his henchmen have the same plans for soldiers from the Ukrainian peninsula as they do for all men from the occupied territories. They all must perish without a murmur in the name of the insane idea of the destruction of Ukraine. Even despite the fact that every person in the Kremlin has already understood that Moscow will not be able to physically achieve any global victories in this war. After all, moving a kilometer deep into Ukrainian territory costs the Russians several thousand lives and dozens of pieces of burned equipment.

Therefore, at such a pace, and even in the conditions when the defenders of our state are increasing their firepower, Putin is unlikely to be able to even reach the borders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. However, he is quite capable of putting all his available human resources in an attempt to at least capture the Donbass.

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