Home ยป Scientists have linked the risk of infection with coronavirus with the RH factor

Scientists have linked the risk of infection with coronavirus with the RH factor

by alex

Scientists from Spain and Brazil came to the conclusion that people with negative RH factor most often infected with coronavirus new type and harder to tolerate the disease. The study of such communication published on the portal medRxiv.

Examining the factors causing the rapid spread of the coronavirus in 126 countries, researchers have found a link that the increase in the number of infections exponentially was typical for countries where the largest number of people with a negative RH factor. These include Australia, Austria, Brazil, New Zealand, Spain, UK, Switzerland and the United States. These countries were marked “explosive” nature of the spread of COVID-19.

In addition, according to the study, for people of all blood types with negative RH-factor are characterized by a rapid infection with coronavirus. They also have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular, respiratory and other diseases, which can complicate the disease.

According to the project of the Johns Hopkins University, the total number of people infected with coronavirus in the world by the morning of 13 August exceeded 20.2 million people. The pandemic has covered 188 countries. For the entire period of the pandemic died 749 358 infected, more of 12.77 million recovered.

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