Home » Scholz voiced a new excuse: what does the German Chancellor’s statement on Taurus mean?

Scholz voiced a new excuse: what does the German Chancellor’s statement on Taurus mean?

by alex

Chancellor Olaf Scholz named more one reason why Ukraine is allegedly not allowed to transfer long-range Taurus missiles. According to him, in order to direct them to targets, the presence of German military personnel on the territory of our country is required, and this is unacceptable.

Completely It is possible that Germany has classified data to control these missiles. This opinion 24 Channel was expressed by military expert, instructor pilot and reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Roman Svitan, adding that they are talking about control keys, access to information from satellites, programming and many other things.

Why Scholz doesn’t want to hand over the Taurus

Launching this long-range missile is a complex mechanism and a rather lengthy process. It is likely that Germany does have a ban on the transfer of such technology, and the missile itself is intended only for use by the German Armed Forces. Therefore, there may be certain mechanisms for protecting information from external influence, or permission to use it only for the Bundeswehr – the German Army.

In military terms, then Scholz said that he did not want to transfer control of the missiles to strangers. In this case, Bundeswehr soldiers must be present, and this is already a rather serious step,” Svitan noted.

It must be understood that the German army is not as self-sufficient in the defense sense as the French or British. The Germans produce only a certain range of weapons, while France and Great Britain produce everything from submarines to nuclear weapons. For example, Germany does not have this. Only US nuclear weapons are stationed on the country's territory.

In this sense, the Germans are not self-sufficient. They depend on NATO's “nuclear umbrella.” It is mainly provided to all other European countries by three carriers of nuclear weapons – the United States, France and Great Britain,” added the reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

What is the difference between Taurus and Storm Shadow and SCALP-EG

Taurus cannot be called an analogue of British or French missiles. The German ones have a longer range and are much more powerful. In addition, Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG is available in an export version; they are sold to other countries and this was intended from the very beginning. For example, the version that Ukraine received has a limited range of 250 kilometers.

The keys to controlling these missiles may be freely available, then This is permitted by law and is included in the rocket itself. Therefore, Storm Shadow/SCALP may not require French or British troops, Svitan suggested.

This is logical, since countries cannot send their soldiers with every missile they sell On the market. Therefore, we can assume that they were originally adapted to work on other people's installations, while Taurus was not.

What is known about the transfer Taurus to Ukraine

  • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is categorically against transferring his missiles to Ukraine. Previously, the main argument was that Germany did not want to become a party to the conflict in the war. Scholz subsequently said that his country needed control over the use of missiles. This is only possible with the participation of the German military, but this option is unacceptable for Scholz.
  • Russian propagandists published a conversation between the German military about Taurus missiles. The officers discussed how many missiles were needed to destroy the Crimean Bridge. Olaf Scholz confirmed that the recording was real and called it a “big problem.” The Chancellor noted that everything must be clarified quickly and thoroughly.
  • After the conversation was “leaked,” the German ambassador was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. Propaganda media showed a video of him arriving at the department. The ambassador himself denied that the conversation concerned a data leak and said that it was a planned, work meeting. They allegedly discussed bilateral issues.

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