Home ยป Scholz is the main barrier to the supply of Leopard tanks to Ukraine: what will affect him

Scholz is the main barrier to the supply of Leopard tanks to Ukraine: what will affect him

by alex

Germany has been delaying deliveries of Leopard tanks to Ukraine for several months now. The Ministry of Defense of the country criticizes Olaf Scholz because of his position, because he believes that he is responsible for this. What can affect the German Chancellor – read the article.

About thisChannel 24said the German political scientist Sergei Sumlenny. He says that the majority of the population supports the provision of weapons to Ukraine, but in general, the Germans may be skeptical about the transfer of heavy equipment to Ukraine.

In his opinion, this may also be because the German army was underfunded for many years, there is evidence that there are not enough tanks, armored vehicles or something else, or something needs repair.

Probably, because of this situation, the Germans are thinking how the country can transfer tanks to Ukraine when their own army does not have enough equipment. But I personally consider these fears delusional, because we will not be at war with anyone in the coming months,โ€ Sumlenny explained.

He says that Ukraine needs these Leopard tanks right now, where there is a war going on. “So, it is in our security interests to hand over the tanks,” the expert added.

The political scientist said that Russia had previously promoted narratives in Germany that aid to Ukraine would escalate the conflict.


Scholz – a barrier to the supply of tanks to Ukraine

According to him, there are two coalition parties in the German government – the Greens and the Liberals, and the latter are in favor of supplying weapons to Ukraine. “Butthe decision to supply weapons is made by two people – the Minister of Defense and the Chancellor,” Sumlenny replied.

The political scientist explained that the majority of the Social Democratic Party of Germany wants provide tanks to Ukraine.

However, the “top” to which Olaf Scholz and Christine Lambrecht belong is radically opposed. To date, the main barrier to the supply of Leopard tanks to Ukraine is Scholz, Sumlenny said. p>

What can affect Scholz

In his opinion, Scholz himself will never do this (transferring Leopard tanks to Ukraine – Channel 24), because he outlined his position that he will not do anything himself, he is comfortable waiting.

The coalition parties could force him if they threatened him with the collapse of the coalition, but it was possible to do this at the beginning of the invasion, and not now. Now there are no such high-profile conflicts and reasons for this,” Sumlenny added.

The political scientist called the only thing that could prompt Scholz to give a “green light” to the supply of tanks to Ukraine – if the American, French or British armies would provide 2 – 5 modern tanks.

According to him,Scholz had two arguments why he does not transfer Leopard tanks to Ukraine:

  • First, that Putin will launch a nuclear war, but now this issue is closed.
  • And the second is that, supposedly, Germany cannot now provide Western tanks, but that Ukrainians fight with modernized tanks provided by other countries.

As soon as the first package of Western modern tanks is handed over to Ukraine, this German argument does not work. Scholz will not be able to “hide” because none of the other Western partners have transferred tanks. Therefore, you can put pressure on Scholz, but the Americans, unfortunately, are not doing this yet. Sumlenny summed up.

By the way, recently Olaf Scholz said that Germany would not unilaterally transfer Western-style tanks to Ukraine and this condition would continue next year.

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