Home » Scholz called the condition for the transfer of Leopard 2 to Ukraine: the White House reacted to this with lightning speed

Scholz called the condition for the transfer of Leopard 2 to Ukraine: the White House reacted to this with lightning speed

by alex

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Germany continues to delay the transfer of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. Scholz noted that he expects the first step from the United States. The White House has already reacted to this.

During the briefing, the press secretary of the White House, Karine Jean-Pierre, commented on the transfer of tanks to Ukraine. She noted that each country should independently decide on the decision it will make.

Germany must make its own decision

The White House representative voiced her position Joe Biden. His opinion is simple: each state and partner should independently decide on the transfer of weapons to Ukraine.

President Joe Biden believes that each country should approve its own sovereign decisions about what steps they can take in security assistance and what equipment they can provide to Ukraine, she stressed.

What Scholz said< /h3>

The day before it became known about another condition put forward by Olaf Scholz. According to him, after complying with it, Germany will transfer Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. The point is that the United States must first provide Abrams tanks to our state.

Like, as soon as Ukraine receives American tanks, the FRG will give a “green light” for the transfer of its own. Note that already five countries are ready to provide us with Leopard 2, but cannot do so. And all because no one has the right to give away German weapons without the consent of the federal government.

What you need to know about Leopard 2 tanks/Channel 24 infographics

The European Parliament puts pressure on Scholz

  • Let's note that in the European Parliament, Scholz was expected to be pressured by parliamentarians. They urged Germany not to slow down the process of equipping Ukraine with weapons. The chancellor was asked to hand over the tanks to us. But he decided to dodge the answer.
  • Recall that Scholz is under pressure even within the country. And he continues to bend his line about caution. He chose it, as noted earlier, so as not to lead to an escalation of the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine.
  • But in more than 10 months, the whole world has seen that one struggle of Ukraine against Russia is enough for the enemy to escalate . Therefore, we hope that Scholz's fears will be released very soon and our state will receive Leopard 2 not only from Germany, but also from other international partners.

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