Home ยป Scenario in the interests of the Kremlin – Latushko on protests in the Belarusian army

Scenario in the interests of the Kremlin – Latushko on protests in the Belarusian army

by alex

Latushko about what is happening in the Belarusian army/Channel 24 collage

< strong _ngcontent-sc88="">The mood among the Belarusian army and among officials is just as not monolithic as the society. But the percentage of people who do not support Lukashenka in law enforcement agencies is much smaller – it is rather opposite to the mood of society.

Belarusian opposition politician Pavel Latushko told about this on Channel 24. He also noted that about 75% of Belarusian society is against Lukashenka's policy, and about 90% of Belarusians are categorically against the introduction of their army into Ukraine.

“While everything is completely opposite in the army, I think the military understands exactly what principle these military formations operate on. The Belarusian army has a system of orders and a lot of indoctrination,” explains the former Minister of Culture of Belarus.

If we evaluate the general, whether protests are possible in such an army: in my opinion, the only possible scenario here is one that the Kremlin could use. We are talking about a state military coup, which can be carried out precisely in the interests of Russia, but by no means out of considerations for the Belarusian people. – Latushko is convinced.

What is the role of Lukashenka in the war against Ukraine

According to him, we see that the exercises of Belarusians on the Ukrainian border do not end. They, as they began in early 2022, continue to this day.

Therefore, this is the function and role that Lukashenka performs in the interests of the Kremlin, says Pavel Latushko.

During the planning of the war, this task was set by Lukashenka in Russia – to provide territory to Belarus and create a constant threat for Ukraine, so that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were forced to concentrate large forces to cover the border. – notes the Belarusian oppositionist.

The latest news about the likely attack of the Belarusian army

  • Near the borders with Ukraine, Belarus has concentrated 7 battalions. This was told by the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Vadym Skibitsky.
  • He noted that the presence of the military fetters the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Moreover, this does not allow sending a sufficient number of Ukrainian fighters to the East.
  • The mayor of Lvov, Andrey Sadovyi, reported that the city was preparing for a possible attack from Belarus. The fact is that the situation is unpredictable in general. However, military expert Oleg Zhdanov believes that there is no direct threat to Lviv.

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