Home » SBU received new confirmation of the use of prohibited ammunition by the occupiers

SBU received new confirmation of the use of prohibited ammunition by the occupiers

by alex

The Russians hit Severnaya Saltovka with prohibited ammunition/Collage of Channel 24

use ammunition prohibited by international conventions in the war against Ukraine. The SBU received new confirmation of such facts in Kharkiv.

Investigators of the Security Service obtained evidence of the use of prohibited types of shells in the course of documenting the war crimes of the Russian invaders on the territory of Severnaya Saltovka . This residential area of ​​the city suffered the most from enemy bombing and shelling.

SBU found fragments of Russian cluster munitions in Kharkiv

According to the preliminary conclusions of experts, among a number of weapons that the infidels used to hit Kharkov, they also used cluster munitions banned in most civilized countries of the world to strike at Severnaya Saltovka. The seized wreckage was submitted for examination.

The Security Service of Ukraine reported that during the inspection by investigators, the destruction and damage to almost all buildings in the residential area of ​​Severnaya Saltovka was documented, in particular:

  • 4 pre-schools;
  • 2 secondary schools;
  • 1 polyclinic;
  • 2 supermarkets;
  • 59 apartment buildings, 9, 12 and 16 floors high.
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    Consequences of enemy shelling of the Northern Saltovka area in Kharkiv: watch the video

    By the way, the SBU stressed that all the collected evidence of the military crimes of the Russian occupiers will be transferred to the International Criminal Court in The Hague . All Russian war criminals will be brought to justice.

    This is not the first time that Russia has used prohibited ammunition for strikes against Ukraine

    The first instances of the use of prohibited weapons by Russian occupiers became known as early as early March. Since then, apparently, there is not a single segment of the front where active hostilities were conducted in Ukraine, and wherever weapons were not used by them. We are talking, in particular, about shelling by Russians with cluster and phosphorus munitions.

    In particular, recently enemy cluster munitions hit a residential area of ​​the Sinelnikovsky district, namely the Pokrovskaya territorial community in the Dnipropetrovsk region . Fortunately, no one was hurt among the civilian population at that time, but a fire broke out.

    Thanks to intercepts by the SBU, it is also known about the constant strikes of infidels with phosphorus ammunition in the East of Ukraine. The invader admitted that the Russian command ordered to shell all Ukrainians without exception, including civilians.

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