Home » SBU discovered a new torture chamber for Russians near one of the greatest shrines of the Donetsk region

SBU discovered a new torture chamber for Russians near one of the greatest shrines of the Donetsk region

by alex

The Security Service of Ukraine has discovered a new torture facility for Russian invaders in the liberated Svyatogorsk, Donetsk region. It was arranged in a holiday resort not far from the Svyatogorsk Lavra.

The Russian military forcibly kept local residents there who supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine. This was reported in the press service of the SBU.

Torture of Russians in Svyatogorsk

During the inspection, the investigators found items that directly indicate signs of torture . A complex of investigative and operational measures is being carried out.

As part of the initiated criminal proceedings under the article on violation of the laws and customs of war. SBU investigators are establishing the number and faces of the victims, as well as the monsters involved in the torture.

What the torture chamber looks likein the liberated Svyatogorsk/SBU photo

Police discovered places of mass graves of civilians

According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, on October 4-10 this year, the investigative and prosecutorial group units of Russia and the so-called “LDNR” Svyatogorsk and Liman, during which the burial places of local residents were established.

In Svyatogorsk, law enforcement officers exhumed the bodies of 34 people, some of them with signs of violent death. Also, burnt bodies were found in the car two citizens , their faces are established.

On the territory of the de-occupied Liman, at the Novaya Maslyakovka cemetery, about 110 trenches were found, including the graves of children. The youngest is only a year old.She is buried next to her entire family. In total, during the inspection, 44 bodies have already been exhumed.

Places of mass civilian graves were found in Svyatogorsk and Liman/photo Office of the Prosecutor General

What is known about the dungeons of Russians in Ukraine

  • The SBU has found another place of illegal detention of people. He was found in the village of Liptsy, Kharkiv region, liberated from the invaders.
  • Another torture chamber was found in Borovaya, Kharkiv region. Law enforcement officers found 2 bodies in it with signs of violent death.
  • In the village of Pesky-Radkovskaya, the police checked the basement of one of the houses where the invaders lived. It was pointed out by local residents as a former dungeon of the Russians.
  • In addition, a new dungeon, from where screams were constantly heard during the occupation, was found in the village of Pesky-Radkovsky.

Worthy of attention – A shocking dungeon was found in the Kharkiv region: watch the video

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