Home » Russia's war against Ukraine: we refute fakes – “Poland will seize our territories” -updated

Russia's war against Ukraine: we refute fakes – “Poland will seize our territories” -updated

by alex

Russian propaganda knows no borders/Photo from Channel 24 website archive

Russian invaders are spreading hundreds of false and propaganda news about the war in Ukraine. Channel 24 brings to your attention a refutation of the worst fakes of the Kremlin. The material will be updated regularly.

Part I Russia's war against Ukraine: debunking 30 fake invaders

Fake 31. “Kadyrovites are ready to storm Kyiv”

Russian propagandists bombarded the media and social networks with heroic photos and videos of Kadyrovites who arrived in Ukraineand prepare to go to Kyiv. Moreover, even “Putin's infantryman” Ramzan Kadyrov, who leads his fighters in the Kiev region, personally arrived at the front.

But pompous “pictures” turned out to be banal fakes. Kadyrov recorded threats to Ukrainians… in Chechnya. This was proved by UP journalists who, on behalf of the RIA Novosti correspondent, sent him a link to a resource indicating the location of the person who clicked on the specified link. Thus, it was confirmed that the head of Chechnya did not leave Chechnya itself.

 Russia's war against Ukraine: we refute fakes "Poland will seize our territories" –updated

Screen of a message to Kadyrov

And what kind of commander – he has such and fighters. It turned out that “Kadyrovtsy” they took their photos and videos not even in the rear of the front, but … in Belarus. This is confirmed by the materials of the user Soviet Sergey on Twitter.

 Russia's war against Ukraine: we refute the fakes "Poland will seize our territories" –updated

This is where the “fighting” Kadyrovites are photographed…

Moreover, some of the “most courageous fighters” have already returned home to their mothers.

 Russia's war against Ukraine: we refute the fakes "Poland will seize our territories" –updated

“I fought” and went home

All these facts are in once again testify that “Kadyrovtsy” can only fight against civilians and in social networks.

Fake 32. “A woman broke into the live broadcast of a Ukrainian TV channel…”

The story of the Russian editor of Channel One Marina Ovsyannikova hooked propagandists in earnest. Recall that she ran into the frame during a live broadcast with a poster “Stop the war! Do not believe the propaganda! They lie to you here!”

A dispute arose in Ukraine – some are sure that this is a sincere act of repentance< /strong>, others claim that staging. And in Russia everything is simpler – they decided to strike back there by arranging a similar action on Ukrainian TV. However, the hero/heroine for the role of Ovsyannikova was not found, therefore, without hesitation, they made a collage – but so primitive that the fake is visible to the naked eye, and you don’t need to be an expert for this.

The picture shows some lady with a banner “Zelensky! Surrender. Quit drugs and return to the stage.”

 Russia's war against Ukraine: debunking fakes "

Epic collage. Propagandists should look for a Photoshop specialist…

An “extraordinary event” supposedly happened during a telethon on the UATV channel in the FREEDOM project. The employees of this media learned about the unexpected incident a day later from the Russian media. We laughed for a long time…

Fake 33. “Satanists are fighting for Ukraine”

Russian propaganda surprises every day with new fakes that have long crossed the line of common sense. How do you like this news: special detachments of “Satanists” seem to be fighting in Ukraine!

American Satanists have reached out to Kyiv. These are former US special forces who worship the devil, – the announcer of Rossiya 24 said very seriously. – They even have their own flag…

 Russia's war against Ukraine: refuting fakes "Poland will seize our territories" –updated

“Tales” of Russian TV

Subsequently, this was repeated on other TV channels.

Actually, there is no point in explaining or commenting on this nonsense. We just state it as a fact. And then let the psychiatrists work.

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Fake 34. “Ukraine planned to attack Crimea”

The occupiers gave such a sensation after they robbed the military enlistment office in the Kherson region. There they found a warehouse with awards that say “For the capture of Crimea”. And so they yelled: oh-oh, Ukraine was preparing to attack the peninsula!

 Russia's war against Ukraine: we refute the fakes "Poland will seize our territories" –updated

Feykov medal and certificate “For the capture of Crimea”

But just look at the award certificate, as it immediately becomes clear that this is a cheap fake. Point by point:

  1. Ukraine would name the medal not “For the Capture of Crimea”, but “For the Liberation of Crimea”.
  2. In this case, the President signs not an “order”, but ” decree”.
  3. There is a primitive mistake in the signature: “V. A. Zelensky”. But in Ukrainian it is correct: “V.O. Zelensky” – “Volodymyr Oleksandrovich”, not “Aleksandrovich”.
  4. In all official documents of Ukraine it is written “Autonomous Republic of Crimea”, and not just “Crimea”.

It's so primitive to “burn” – you need to be able to…

Fake 35. “Ukrainian biological laboratories are financed by President Biden's son “

It would be possible to ignore Russia's false news about “biological laboratories” in Ukraine. They were repeatedly refuted by both the Ukrainian authorities and the UN Security Council, and international experts.

But this fake of the invaders is worth mentioning – they claim that “Ukrainian biological laboratories are financed by the son of US President Joe Biden – Hunter” .

 Russia's war against Ukraine: debunking fakes "Poland will take over our territories" –updated

Hunter and Joe Biden became targets of propagandists

Why not personally the head of the White House? After all, such news would be even cooler! Although, maybe there is more to come? We are waiting for new fantasies of the Russians.

Fake 36. “Poland plans to seize the west of Ukraine”

Traitor and former people's deputy Ilya Kiva on his accounts published the map, which was shown on Polish television back in … in 2014 – there Ukraine is divided into three parts: the southeastern territories are designated as Russia, the western ones as Poland, and only the center around Kyiv remains with Ukraine.

 Russia's war against Ukraine: debunking fakes "Poland will seize our territories" –updated

Fake map from Russian ideologues and propagandists

A scientist with a fictitious diploma assures that the West and, in particular, Poland cherished such plans for Ukraine 8 years ago, and now they are implementing them in practice. This “sensation” from Kiva was, of course, immediately spread by the propaganda media.

But an elementary check shows that this information is a “bearded” fake, which was created in 2014 by the Russians themselves< /strong>. It was promoted by the main ideologist of the so-called “Novorossia” Vladislav Surkov, who called for the occupation of Ukrainian territories from Kharkov to Odessa. Now the invaders have given this fake a second life, using the language of the traitor Kiva.

The main goal of such a lie is to convince the Russians that it is not the Russian Federation who wants to seize the territories of Ukraine, but Poland. The “sensation” is blinded in a very primitive way, but millions of zombified quilted jackets, as we see from the situation in Mordor, even believe such stupidity…

Fake 37. NPP”

 Russia's war against Ukraine: refuting fakes "Poland will seize our territories" –updated

Rivne NPP. There are no Russians here/Photo from the archive of Channel 24Occupants from the Russian Federation, after their numerous crimes committed at the captured Chernobyl and Zaporozhye nuclear power plants, should “sit lower than grass and quieter than water.” But they decided to portray themselves as victims and wrote a complaint to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in which they reported that Ukraine allegedly “forcefully keeps Russian nuclear scientists at the Rovno NPP”.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine immediately denied this information.

In connection with the dissemination of disinformation by the Russian Federation in the IAEA about the alleged maintenance of Russian nuclear specialists at the Rovno NPP, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine notes the following: there are no Russian nuclear specialists at the Rovno NPP, the agency said in a statement published on the Government Portal.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, four armed citizens of the Russian Federation accompanied a cargo of nuclear fuel elements that arrived at the nuclear power plant before February 24 – that is, even before Russia's attack on Ukraine. These persons, in accordance with the terms of the contract, ensured the protection of the cargo from the moment it arrived in Ukraine until the completion of unloading. After the transfer of fuel elements to the Ukrainian side on March 23, disarmed Russian citizens left the territory of the Rivne NPP.

“Now the Russians are in the hotel of their own free will. Today they do not express a desire to return to Russia,” the Foreign Ministry stressed.

At the same time, the ministry added: if these Russian citizens change their plans, the Ukrainian side is ready to assist them in returning to the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with with existing procedures.

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