Home » Russians who can be mobilized are “closed” in Belarus: removed from flights and buses

Russians who can be mobilized are “closed” in Belarus: removed from flights and buses

by alex

The level of offensive threat from Belarus is growing. Meanwhile, the Russians to be mobilized were suddenly no longer allowed to leave Belarus.

Russia is completely indifferent to its own people. They are thrown to the front like “cannon fodder”. In the meantime, those who can still be mobilized were decided to be kept in a zone where the Kremlin's hand could reach. Telegram channels report that Russians of military age are no longer allowed to leave Belarus, channel 24 reports.

Men are being removed from planes and buses< /h2>

Only on the day of October 21, at least 10 people were removed from flights.

23-year-old Gleb from St. Petersburg told his story. The guy does not want to change anything in his country. However, he has no desire to die in the war. Therefore, he chose the option of fleeing Russia.

Gleb tried to leave three times. First I chose the route Russia – UAE. However, the guy was not released at the Domodedovo airport.

Then Gleb tried to leave for Belarus by bus. Then the border guards also did not allow the fugitive to cross the border. They said that he was on the list and could not leave Russia.

Finally, Gleb managed to get to Minsk. From there, the guy hoped to fly to Turkey. However, the border guards intervened again. This time – Belarusian. They forbade Gleb to leave.

Please note! One of the airport employees said that this restriction began to operate on October 20th. Previously, this was not even mentioned.

The threat of an offensive from the territory of Belarus is growing

  • Russia loses hundreds of people every day in the war in Ukraine. As of October 21, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that at least 66,750 infidels had been liquidated. However, those who are still alive, the occupying country is not even going to save. Russia is indifferent to its “cannon fodder”. He continues to be thrown to the front.
  • Moreover, as of October 21, the risk of an offensive from Belarus has increased. It is predicted that the direction of the offensive may replace the west of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. All in order to cut the main logistical arteries for the supply of weapons and military equipment, which are provided to Ukraine by partner states.
  • On October 21, the Stratcom of the Armed Forces of Ukraine addressed the Belarusian people. It is said that Ukrainians and Belarusians lived in peace. However, in case of aggression on the part of Belarus, the answer will be the same as all the invaders.
  • The soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine warned the Belarusians who would strike at the military facilities of Belarus. At the same time, Ukraine does not want this. Even despite the fact that from the airspace and territory of Belarus, Russia is inflicting terrorist attacks on Ukrainian cities and villages.

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