Home » Russians understand that mobilized from Donbass is useless, – 'cyborg' Kostenko

Russians understand that mobilized from Donbass is useless, – 'cyborg' Kostenko

by alex

Forcibly mobilized in the Donbass do not want to die on the battlefield/collage 24 channel

Those mobilized from ORDLO are staffed according to the leftover principle – some of them have a machine gun, while others get a Mosin rifle. Mostly these “warriors” in old Soviet helmets, sometimes in sports shoes or clothes.

People's deputy and “cyborg” Roman Kostenko told Channel 24 about this. He also noted that they used to be thrown to the front line, and behind them were Russians who threatened to be shot.

But it soon became clear to everyone that none of them were soldiers, so they are now either reinforcing certain Russian units, but they are still constantly being scared in the back. – says Roman Kostenko.

According to the people's deputy and the military, by the intercepts that the Armed Forces of Ukraine receive, one can understand that the attitude of the occupiers towards those mobilized from ODRLO is not even the same as about the “second grade”, but much worse.

The situation in Severodonetsk and other sectors of the front

The situation in Severodonetsk is getting worse every day. Our military titanic defend their positions. At the same time, the enemy continues to bring in more and more equipment and manpower.

The Ukrainian military continues to hold the line of defense. But every day it becomes more and more difficult. The reason for this is simple: kafirs are gathering more and more weapons . In addition, they are trying to implement assault actions in the city in several directions at once.

The Russian military continues to fire at all possible routes of communication with Lisichansk. However, our military courageously hold on and do everything possible. The city itself is constantly shelled by the enemy along the line of collision. Infidels' houses are literally leveled to the ground.

Did the “battle for Donbass” collapse?

Western media write that the war in Ukraine has reached a turning point. They assure that the long-term perspective will soon become clear.

According to the adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs, as long as the battle for Donbass continues, as long as the Russians continue their attacking actions, we do not see a single hint that the infidels are reducing their activity. There is also no information about the withdrawal from the occupied territories.

What is the state of the Ukrainian army now

Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar said on the air of the telethon of the only news that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have only 10 % of the weapons that our state asks from the West.

According to Anna Malyar, today Ukraine uses all its power and strength to resist Russia both in obvious actions, in particular on the battlefield, and where the Russian intelligence network and sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy are working.

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