Home » Russians send threatening letters to Ukrainian journalists

Russians send threatening letters to Ukrainian journalists

by alex

Russians send threatening letters to Ukrainian journalists/varianty.lviv.ua

Media representatives, telling the truth about the war receive anonymous threats. Journalists are required to stop working in favor of Ukraine.

Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova noted that Russian invaders continue to impede the activities of journalists in Ukraine.

Russians threaten Ukrainian journalists

According to Denisova, Ukrainian journalists who truthfully cover events in Ukraine began to receive threats.

Such emails were received by employees of the online publications Evropeiska Pravda and Glavkom , Zaporozhye sites inform.zp.ua and 061.ua. The reason is to inform readers about the facts of Russian aggression against Ukraine that are unfavorable for Russian propaganda. activities of publications,” Denisova noted.

The Ombudsman asks the world to respond

The Commissioner of the Human Rights Council stressed that obstruction of free journalism is a flagrant violation of the Hague Convention and Declaration, the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Victims of War and the Additional Protocols to it and the Convention on the Laws and Customs of the Dry Valley War, establishing guarantees of safety for journalists.

Denisova called on the world community to respond to the facts of intimidation of Ukrainian journalists in order to distort the truth about Russian aggression in Ukraine and strengthen sanctions in against Russia.

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